Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 25, 2020

Bears mark a leaning tree throughout mating season

The bears emphatically mark a tree that leans across a trail every year. It appears to be in the "path of destruction" by the bulldozers widening it into a road by destroying all the trees. It is breaking my heart. I have attempted to get them to spare some trees with no success.

Tiny the Black Bear is one of the main bears who marks it. You'll see his trademark "sitting style" of tree marking throughout the video.  It's fun to observe how each bear has his own style of putting their scent on the tree. One young bear only sniffs, perhaps out of deference to the older and bigger bears.

Sorry to be late with this. Our internet goes down randomly.  It's a price for living rurally but it's worth it.


  1. that is super great to see... I had no clue how they mark trees... that's life like it is!!!

  2. It's always cool to see Tiny! It's nice you even have internet service way out there!

  3. Adorable. So that's how it's done.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. Golly lee that looks like it feels so good. Next time my back itches I'm going out to find a nice tree.
    I love your videos hugs and cuddles to you 4.

  5. We love watching anything the bears choose to do!

  6. One on his tip toes, and I do hope they find another trail further away from any dozers or what the business people might call progress!!! I am sure it all involves a lot of money changing hands.

  7. We are always impressed by the thoroughness of Tiny's marking efforts!

  8. It's no wonder that's a 'leaning' tree! Love watching these critters in your 'backyard.' Happy weekend.

  9. It's always fun to see the bears different styles of marking the trees.

  10. What a shame the developers will not listen to you. Our wildlife are so threatened by "progress" these days.

  11. Progress isn't always progress is it? It's such a shame that they need to remove the trees. I hope the bears are able to stay safe with all the development happening.

    Take care and stay well!

  12. People should have more respect for what is important to animals. We are only sharing the planet with them.

  13. We do love seeing the bears, especially Tiny. He is looking good:)


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