Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Labrador Valley keeps awing me. One morning, I started out with some photographs of the creek. The autumn colors are glorious right now. I did nothing to "enhance" them in this photo. The colors are straight out of the camera.


As I stood by my tripod with Shyla lying next to me, I heard something from upstream. A bull moose was walking down the driveway like he was the king of the valley. When he saw us, he stopped in his tracks. I grabbed my tripod and Shyla's collar, and we climbed up the steep hill behind us. It's moose rut time, and bull moose are very unpredictable. Fortunately, this guy was very polite. He waited for us to settle down up on the hillside, and then he walked on the driveway below us.

He continued right past the house and into the meadow. Seeing him in the beautiful meadow was such a treat.


That was not all of the wildlife for that day. We also saw hawks and an owl. And, our first mountain lion sauntered through the valley, recorded by my trail cam. I'll share that footage before too long.

It is such a special time of year. It's as if Mother Nature is having one last huge party before winter hits. I am so thankful that we are living here, soaking up all the beauty.


  1. Hari Om
    I think your move of home came at the perfect time - you are already experiencing what it has to offer and time to prepare for whatever winter brings... YAM xx

  2. YES - Yes To All Of It - This Is A Wonderful Time Of Year - Righteous Long Exposure There


  3. Do you own all of Labrador Valley or is that just adjacent to the property you own? Is absolutely stunning and its fall colors and that moose is really a fine looking guy

    1. Well, we've named all that we own "Labrador Valley". Our land is big - it's ours as far as the eye can see. This is the realization of a lifelong dream - owning a big "ranch" with wildness galore. We love solitude and tranquility so it's perfect. It also gives us the chance to preserve an amazing slice of wildlife habitat.

  4. Your photos are always so beautiful and we're glad that the moose was in a good mood☺

  5. You have such a wonderful slice of heaven. Thank you for sharing it with us.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. That creek picture is beautiful! How nice that you are getting to know the other residents in your new neck of the woods.

    1. The people nearby are amazing too! They've reached out and welcomed us wonderfully. They are down-to-earth people, which we appreciate immensely. They've already been generously helpful neighbors. We are so lucky.

  7. You live in a very beautiful place! Love all the photos and the first one is phenomenal.

    Take care and stay well.

  8. Such a gorgeous area and handsome moose. You are so fortunate to have such beauty surrounding you. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  9. Gorgeous...I you have NICE neighbors 2 and 4 legged. Wonderful
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. What a beautiful new area to explore...thank you sooooo much for taking time out to share it with us!!!

  11. Look at all that beautiful golden light! Spectacular.

  12. The elk are on the move here as well. I find it funny that tourists (sigh...yes, we have them) go nuts over them while we locals are all “Yep, elk, they’re pretty cool. And?”

  13. We love seeing the beautiful colors and a bull moose. I learn so much from your blog.


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