Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, September 3, 2020

Thankful Thursday

Life is a crazy mixture of joy and sadness. This view is the moon setting over our new valley. The beauty of the stark peaks jutting above the horizon with the moon setting over them awed me.

Yet, I have these deep pangs of sadness even while soaking up such beauty. I miss our Black Dog.

I am thankful for the beauty of our world and for all the years of happiness with our Black Dog.


  1. I love what you said...it is the key to live on... with love...

  2. It is so true that when we have shared our lives with a wonderful dog (or cat, or horse)we miss them and are thankful to ave known in almost equal parts when they are gone.

  3. It's so hard to lose a beloved furkid. Hugs to you♥

  4. The words you said he are exactly how I'm getting through the coming trial of losing our big black dog by remembering the past two years all the love and all the fun and his beautiful face and hanging onto every minute with it. I fully understand your sadness

  5. We totally understand how you feel. It's okay to be happy and sad at the same time.

  6. What an unusual and stunning picture. Losing a beloved dog is one of the worst things that can happen to those of us who choose to live with them and love them for their way too short lives. I know you know this, of course. Thinking of you with love.

  7. Beautiful photo. Knowing that losing a fur baby is always hard, all I can do is offer virtual hugs.

  8. A beautiful shot. You know your way around a camera.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups and a big healing hug to you. ♥

  9. We understand too and the beauty of your new place will remind you of R's beautiful heart. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  10. grief is like that.
    happiness comes again in odd little ways... little by little.
    but the sad is there to stay for a long long time.
    sending you love. xo

  11. I miss your Black Dog too...I am thankful you share all these breathtaking pictures of your valley
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. We so understand the range of emotions you are feeling . Thank goodness for all the wonderful memories you created with R.

  13. I am glad you have chosen to keep remembering your Black Dog in your posts.

  14. We understand. Glad you're allowing bits of joy in. It can feel disloyal in a way, can't it? But the joy and grief are all a part of love, as you well know.

    Chris from Boise

  15. Grief overshadows everything, but I'm still glad you have that beauty to take in and soothe your soul just a bit. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. That is beautiful to behold.
    Hugs, they all hold a special place in our hearts and it is like there is a hole now. Remember all the fun and good times you had. :)

  17. Missing those we loved is so painful sometimes. Hugz, Mxx

  18. Gorgeous photo. Nothing will ever replace the times and feelings you had with your black dog, but in time the memories will bring more happiness and less sorrow.


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