Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, September 4, 2020

A Lion Prowling a Ridge in Daylight

On a ridge near a favorite trail of Shyla's and mine, mountain lions pass by scent scrapes amazingly regularly. Usually, one passes through, and then he's gone for a few weeks.

Recently, one lion seemed to return repeatedly, and it was almost always during daylight. Shyla alerted me that he'd been there as I mountain biked along the trail. When a lion has scent marked there, Shyla sniffs the area extensively, lingering there for longer than usual. That tells me to check the cam. 

On the last occasion that she did that, I was astounded by the daylight visits by a mountain lion. My guess is that he made a kill somewhere in the area, and so he stuck around for about a week. Each time he moved between the spot where he snoozed during the day and the spot where he'd cached the carcass, he stopped to check the scent posts. It seems as if he sometimes skips scent marking if he doesn't smell that any other mountain lions have been there.

As you watch this video, imagine a human trail about 10-20 yards to the side of the route that the lion is using. That's where Shyla and I ride, and that's why I feel a moment of worry when I see a mountain lion has been there during daylight.


  1. da phenny must be a mountain lion... same behavior LOL

  2. It is very eerie to think that he's watching as you and Shyla pass by.

  3. After years of working in the woods, I have long had a sort of image in my mind of how much is going on near me in the forest - so much that remains unseen no matter how aware I try to be. It's such a clear vision - I see it as almost a film or animation...wish I could find a way to draw it to share.

  4. What a beauty. That's very close to your riding trail. I know you're cautious.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. I love the big cats, but I can understand it would be worrisome to know that he may be in such close proximity when you and Shyla, or others are out on the trail.

    Take care and stay well!

  6. That would make us a wee bit nervous on an out n' about!

  7. Thought I heard a nighthawk in there, too!

  8. I'd feel more than just a moment of worry! But I'm a big chicken, not nearly as brave as you are. :)
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  9. You and Shyla are such a great tracking team!

  10. Fine specimen of a mountain lion! And I'm smiling because I'm afraid to let big boy out in the backyard until I turn on the lights and rambam around and scare off raccoons I would never be able to go in the yard if I thought there was a lion or a bear in my yard

  11. That proximity to your riding trail would make this lady pretty nervous, but we know you are prepared and know how to handle situations like that. Just stay safe:)

  12. I am sure more humans are seen by mountain lions than mountain lions are ever seen by humans. However, take care and be safe when out on the trail.

  13. I would be very nervous about sharing the trail with them.

  14. That is a beautiful big cat but it's scary to think you are so close to him at times.

  15. How cool to see them in the daylight hours. Still blown away by the incredible muscles on that cat!


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