Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Shyla Saturday

 Shyla loves Labrador Valley. She is a water dog who will play in the water as much as you let her.

I think that her joy (and ours) about the open space and the water is helping her to cope with the loss of her brother. Her separation anxiety has racheted up a few notches since his death. She wants to be as close as possible to us at all times.

However, when she gets outside with Hachi, it seems as if the joy overwhelms her. She leaps in the creek, retrieves sticks, and does her happy gallop. 

Even for Shyla, life is a wild mix of sadness and happiness. I hope that the happiness wins.


  1. I think this move was meant to help her adjust. I hope so... hugs to your sweet anxious girl

  2. We are sending you lots and lots of healing vibes, Shyla. We want happiness to win out too.

  3. We hope the happy wins too, Shyla deserves her happy and so do you!

  4. My german shepherds were always happiest in water. I think water heals everything. It brings happy moments.

  5. The happiness will win out-it just takes time for dogs to get through the grieving, much like us. Have a beautiful 'howliday' weekend.

  6. I'm rooting for Shyla. May she, and you, find peace in this new home.

  7. what wonderful commenters! I add my own thoughts to theirs for your happiness.
    and an ease to your grief. xo

  8. Shyla....I 100% sure happy will win...after all you are a Labrador and I think that means eternally happy in some language
    Hugs cecilia

  9. We hope the happainess wins for all of you. Enjoy life and your beautiful new home and land.

  10. A wonderful new home, with a stream right there for the healing water to give Shyla happiness and security. Loved the bridge, this must be like a dream for you all.

  11. Oh, how FABulous Shyla! Findin' a good stick is impawtent! Though, unlike you, I wouldn't gets my furs wet to gets one.....BOL!!!!
    I just knows the happiness is gonna beat the sadness' arse! ☺
    Ruby ♥

  12. Shyla looks like she's having a brilliant time in the water. Which I don't quite understand, but good luck on her anyway!
    Toodle pip!

  13. I know that in time, it will. I'm so glad she has that new place to escape from her sadness for a while, as do you. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  14. It takes time, but Shyla is resilient and she will do just fine with time. She sure looks happy in the water.

  15. It's good to see Shyla so happy. We're sure she will bounce back to her confident self in due time.

  16. We are rooting for happiness. It hasn't won too often around these parts.

  17. She Wants To Be Close Because You Kick A$$ - So Pleased The Water Feature Is Near By - Looking Forward To Your Post Tomorrow - Stay Strong



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