Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, September 6, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog lived every day of his life with utter joy. As a small puppy, we took him to socialization classes. He would start rejoicing when we got within a few miles of where his class was. His barks and joyful yips were so cute when he was a tiny puppy even in a small space like a car.

At class, he played with abandon. He got along with every puppy in his class, and he was deft at defusing tensions when another puppy got growly. R seemed to believe that there was never ever anything to worry about in life. He'd leap into the pile of other puppies without any hesitation, simply assuming that they were all friendly. I'm sure that our Black Tornado was a little scary to more sensitive puppies but he couldn't be anyone but himself - a wildly happy labrador.

I didn't even own a camera until R was around four years old so I don't have many photos from his youngest years. Somehow, I do have photos of R at his first birthday party. We had to celebrate early because, believe it or not, R had his first elbow surgery on his first birthday (he had congenital elbow dysplasia). So, a week before his birthday, we cooked up steak for the three dogs, served with a candle of course!

Being the sweet-natured dog that he was, our Black Dog was happy to share his steak with the other dogs, Samson and K.

We miss him but every Sunday is a Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. Hari OM
    Oh yes, happy indeed! it is a bittersweet thing to remember these days - but overall, I do hope you are finding the solace in sharing R with us. Hugs from afar. YAM xx

  2. so sweet, what a great memory. a steak cake! wow! i am not showing this to Big Boy. ha ha. Samson looks a lot like our Baby Girl angel... we love looking at photos from the past of all our angels.

  3. I am enjoying Black Dog Sunday’s, learning so many things about your happy boy. Can’t believe you didn’t have a camera before he was four, I thought you were born with a camera in hand, lol.

  4. Beautiful memories :) Wish I had taken more photos along the way...

  5. He was just born with that amazing happy gene!

  6. He was the happiest boy for his entire life. What a precious photo with his birthday hat around his neck♥

  7. I've tried to say this, but it's difficult to make it come out right, I hope this works: You have a wonderful way of writing about those you love, about you dogs, in a way that touches my heart.I tear up every Sunday that I come here to read about Black Dog. So special....

    1. Inger your comment came out perfectly and she is so right.

      Hugs cecilia

  8. The rapt attention in that photo makes me smile. Happy Black Dog Sunday.

  9. R...I have come to realize is an abbreviation for
    RESPECTFUL because he certainly was that
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Wow, I wish Bertie had behaved like R at puppy class. Then I wouldn't have come close to a nervous breakdown and to handing him back to his breeder after the first session. Happy days...
    Cheers, Gail.

  11. Sundays will forevermore be Black Dog Sunday for me!
    I can just picture him in his puppy excitement at getting to go to "class"
    which was just FUN time for HIM! xoxo

  12. R sure was a special puppy. That was so sweet of him to share his steak with his siblings.

  13. I wish I could have been at the puppy class to witness your Black Dog in all his puppy joy. How sweet, the birthday hat sitting on his neck.

  14. R was born with a surplus of happiness and joy. And he made good use of it throughout his life. Hugs.

  15. I love reading more about R's early years. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  16. R left you with memories like he had lived for 100 years. I hope those memories don't hurt you for long.

  17. Such wonderful memories! What a sweet boy.

  18. A heart full of joy. What a gift!

    Chris from Boise

    PS Happy to see bears at your new place. So many discoveries yet to make!


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