Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, September 7, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi absolutely loves Labrador Valley. At our old place, he rarely gets off-leash time with his sister due to the many neighbors, some of whom don't like dogs. Here, even our driveway is fair game for running. It's about a half mile long and parallels a creek. Hachi has started going in the creek, and he even crossed it a couple of days ago! Maybe the fear of water is fading.

 In the early afternoon, we take the two pups for a romp along the driveway and in the creek.

And sometimes we visit the meadow too.

We've had a surprising number of visitors to the valley this week, all invited by us so we could be ready to help Hachi deal with meeting non-pack members. When it was two visitors or fewer, we brought him out on leash. (For larger groups, we had him snooze in the bedroom). He did well when he interacted with these strangers. He was fine as long as they were 10' or further away and did not look at him.

He repeatedly did this odd behavior that he's done for his entire life when people are sitting around in a group. He'd creep toward the strangers, looking like he wanted to be petted. They'd look at him, and he'd burst into aggressive-sounding barking - like he'd scared himself by getting too close. Then, he'd be fine when we backed him up. I think that we need to hold him in a position where he can't get "too close" and stop him when he starts creeping forward. He's so close to being okay with strangers that it's tempting to let him try approaching them - but we need to prevent him from scaring himself like that.

He's happiest with them out in the meadow. He can keep his distance, and he'll even come up and snuzzle their hands from behind. We coach them not to look at him, and all is good.

Now we must go enjoy the last day of summer. The temperature is going to plunge to 15°F tonight, and we will get 15" of snow! Holy moly - it's hard to imagine because it's 60° now. We spent yesterday getting ready for the snowstorm. At our old home, we harvested as many veggies as we could, and we put a heater in the greenhouse. We will see how the world, including the precious hummingbirds, survives this surprise blast of winter.


  1. oh my is it that time again? snow? ... we hope your first winter in your new home will be a good one... and you will look as happy as the two pups ;O)

  2. Such a sweet pup and we hope Hachi can learn to please the crowds soon.

  3. We are so happy for Hatchi. We imagine that a new place and without the Black Dog, he has less worries since he seemed to have issues with him, unfortunately. Hopefully he will continue to feel better and better. It dropped about 20 degrees today here, and we may get an early frost this week. We are thrilled, but we know it is not everyone's dream.

  4. Hachi you are such a hard worker at this game of life...
    15" of snow YIKES. I hope all critters not prepared do ok
    Hugs and stay warm.
    Hugs Cecilia

  5. Awww, what a wonderful new home you and your babies have. I'm so happy for you.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Snow and what is minus 9 Celsius, that is a grand start for your first winter in your new home .This looks like it is Hachi's place , and without R, maybe that huge hole will fill in with new friends, a sense of space and safety, and the privacy that you will all so enjoy. R is with you in his spirit, and your words today spell happiness. XXXXX

  7. Your new place sounds like heaven on earth with so much private space to enjoy. Yikes on so much snow and cold temps already!

  8. It's great to hear Hachi is enjoying your new house and property. We heard about that snow storm coming your way and wondered how it would effect you.

  9. I don't want 15 or snow but i would LOVE to get down to 68 or 70 with no humidty... we are so hot it is unbearable. i am so happy to hear how much your pups love the new valley... and soon they can romp in snow.. waiting to see photos of your woods and critters.

  10. It sounds like your move is going to work very well for Hachi's growth. And snow??? Please keep it and don't let my pups know:)

  11. 15 tonight? Yikes! It's 90 now down in the city and and will only climb to 37 tomorrow. Gotta drag out some sweaters for the next couple of days. Our snow will only be 3-7" and hopefully will not stick to the trees. Keep practicing with Hachi, fearful dogs take an incomprehensible amount of patience. At least he seems to be genuinely enjoying romps in the driveway and meadow.

  12. Hachi is so big! It sounds like he's doing well though. And how lucky for him to come to your home and be so loved and to get so much help and understanding.

  13. I'd love to read a Begginings story about Hachi. If you've already blogged about this, maybe you could include a link in a future post.

  14. We believe 100 percent that you will get Hachi over these little humps and she will be perfect soon.

  15. I'm so happy to hear that Hachi is enjoying his new home. It looks beautiful! I hate to think what he must have gone through as a young pup to be so fearful. Your work with him is incredible to me.

    No snow forecast here, thankfully, but we are expecting frost. I'm not ready! Take care and stay well.

  16. Brrr, your seasons certainly change quickly! Great to see the pups settling in nicely to their new home :)

  17. Lots of changes in your world, including the weather - I'm not ready for the change of seasons at all!

    But our girl CarrieAnne used to do that same thing that your boy Hachi is doing. I always thought that she was torn between what she wanted to do, and what her instincts were telling her. She eventually got past it, and I've no idea how. But it was at her pace and her timing, the same thing you are allowing Hachi to have. He truly is a lucky boy to have you!

  18. My Ft. Collins relatives alerted me to your upcoming weather change. Wow!

    So lovely to see Hachi and Shyla in their element. And carefully managed visitors - great plan.

    Chris from Boise

  19. Hari Om
    I do hope Hachi flourishes now... under your care I have little doubt of it. YAM xx

  20. I love the first picture - Hachi is saying "follow me and let's have an adventure!!"
    Please keep the snow in Colorado!

  21. I'm so happy that the new place is so good for Hachie!

  22. Luke has done a similar thing to that. It's almost like they want to be brave, but just can't quite pull it off!
    I thought our weather was up and down, yours is definitely crazier! :)


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