Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

One-eyed Jack Marks a Tree and Takes a Bath

As I sit here watching a snowstorm outside, it's fun to watch a video of a bear doing a typically summer activity. 

You might remember One-Eyed Jack, a bear who visited an elk carcass in June. He had a spa evening recently, rubbing his back on a tree and taking a bath. He is looking fabulous. He's fat and ready for winter. What a year for him! He mated with a bear sow who is a great mom (Mohawk) and he found plenty to eat. I'm happy for him.

Check out the video if you have time. It's short but relaxing.


  1. he reminds me a little of Mark when he is in the bathtub LOL

  2. Great to learn that 2020 has worked out well somewhere!

  3. He certainly does look happy taking his bath.

  4. Ohhh what a great video of spa day. 1-eyed Jack knows how to relax.
    I hope the snow is not as deep as predicted
    Hugs cecilia

  5. Marking the tree he looks like he's at a rave dancing to music and I love seeing his big fat self in that water puddle. Soon they'll be going to sleep for the winter send some cold air to Florida please

  6. It's always fun to see these snips of life from your forest.

  7. He's one happy bear. Thanks for sharing him with us.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. Nice to see water in that little pool! And a big beautiful guy enjoying it so much. Hope the snow tamps down the wildfires in your neck of the woods (not threatening your area directly, I think?).

    Chris from Boise

  9. He's definitely carrying his winter weight! Good to see him.

    Stay safe in the storm!

  10. One-eyed Jack sure is a roly poly bear. Nice to see him enjoying his spa time with a bath.

  11. I'm with Bertie, at least 2020 is workin' out for our wildlife! Way to go Jack! (still don't understand gettin' your furs wet ON PURPOSE...butts to each his own....)
    Ruby ♥

  12. Does this mean your new place is still part of his territory? How cool is that?!

  13. At least 2020 is working out for one creature! Funny bear.

  14. Hi Jack! I had to watch this twice because the first time I was watching I caught the movement of 2 bucks in our yard! Nature while looking at nature.


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