Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, October 18, 2020

Black Dog Sunday - The Fire Edition

 Yesterday, we headed out for a short mid-day walk with the pups. I casually mentioned that there was a small fire not too far away, and then we forgot about it. 

Then, as we finished the walk, I noticed an odd looking cloud, and I said "Is that smoke?". Within another 5 minutes, it was very clearly a huge smoke plume. This was the view from our house. It looked like it originated just beyond our valley.

The wind was blowing at about 30 mph. Rapidly, the "small fire" ate up thousands of acres. We were very close to the border of the evacuation zone so we spent the afternoon packing at high speed, preparing to flee if needed. As of now, it seems that the wind blew the fire away from us although that meant that many other people and animals were in its path. I am holding them in my thoughts.

This blog post is late because we lost our power for a while.

Throughout the morning before the fire, our Black Dog was on my mind. As Shyla and I did our bike ride, I was talking to him in my heart. I even sang to him as we rode. I was visualizing him being as happy as he was one day high in the mountains about five years ago.

It turned out, so far, that the wind has pushed the fire away from us so we are still at home. The fire exploded to almost 7000 acres in a few hours so not everyone was so lucky. We will watch and wait to see if we need to leave. With R watching over us, I bet that we'll be okay.

He watches over us from a life-sized print of a photo of him galloping through the golden aspens a few years ago. His eyes are so happy and gazing at us from the image.


This fire is one more stresser in a long train. I've decided to take a blogging break to get some rest. I've had too many sleepless nights and migraines recently. I promise to update you if anything big happens, and then I'll be back soon.

I miss our Black Dog but I can feel his love. I see his sparkling eyes in my mind every single day. Thinking about his spirit helps me to find the good in every single day.


  1. Just this minute the news was showing that fire you're talking about and I said that's where KBS to my husband and then I found your post here. Praying that you will be okay and not have to leave your home stay safe and we love you all. When that first picture came up of our in the mountains with his head back in the house all my tears started to fall for him and for Big Boy

  2. KB take care of you and your precious family. I send you lots of prayers and hugs....
    2020 is the year from He!!.
    R will always look like his lifesize print in my mind's eye!
    Hugs Cecilia

  3. We'll sure be thinking of you and we hope that fire leaves you along. Hugs from all of us.

  4. Time for a blog vacation indeed. With sweet dreams of R and cuddles with Shyla and Hachi, hopefully no fire danger, and well-earned rest!

    Hugs from Boise!

  5. Hari Om
    Take that rest and be safe!!! YAM xx

  6. So glad that you've not had to evac from your home. It's so hard to pick and choose what to pack if you do have to leave. I have a hurricane list I made up years ago. I know you are watching it with a close eye. Awe, sweet R is there to guide you. What a beautiful picture of him in his happy place.


  7. I'm grateful to hear the fire blew another way, it's so sad that others have been impacted. Sending my hope that you are able to stay in your home.

    Relax and rest during your break. Love the photos of R. What a handsome boy!

    Take care and stay well.

  8. You beautiful black dog will watch over you. I hope they get some control over the fire and that you will be safe. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts. Take care...

  9. You are a Godsend, R♥ You and your family remain in our thoughts and prayers, KB.

  10. I hope that fire subsides, too scary for sure, have that doggy bag packed and all your own things ready too. Photos on a hard drive maybe, meds for all, and a break is the best medicine in times of worry. Rest well, the atmospheric readings sometimes play a huge part in migraines, as well as stress. Love R's face in the last photo, so full of ,love for life.He will always be with you.XXXXX

  11. We have our paws crossed that you will stay safe. You are lucky to have R watching over you. That sure is a great picture of him.

  12. All of you are in my prayers. Take care of yourself.

  13. We are grateful you are safe but are thinking of others who the fire reached.

  14. You couldn't have a more special angel watching over you. I'd been thinking of you, and I'm glad so far you haven't had to evacuate (but so sad for all those who did). Take care of yourself, get all the rest you need, and feel better soon. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets

  15. rest dear heart. rest.
    and be of good courage as you always are!
    even with the danger and all that's going on... you've sent us amazing pictures.
    know that you're loved and all our good thoughts and prayers are with you and the runner and
    all of your beloveds... then. and now. bless ALL of you! xo

  16. I've been thinking of you since I saw your post on FB. And I've no doubt, that if you're feeling it in your heart, you truly are being looked after by your beloved R.

  17. Take best of care of all of you. Hugs and good thoughts.

  18. I pray the black dog angel keeps the fire from your home.

  19. R will continue to watch over you as you take a break and de-stress.
    Sending hugs from Scotland.
    Gail and Bertie.

  20. Thinking of you and hoping you can rest and rejuvenate your heart and soul. Thank you for sharing your sweet Black Dog in images from the past. Stay safe.


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