Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 19, 2020

Fire news - little rest for us

We didn't get much of a rest. Until about mid-day yesterday, our world seemed calm and peaceful. The wind was blowing the existing fire away from us, and it was a beautiful day. 

Then, I saw someone post that there were reports of a fire very close to Lab Valley. I followed the post, and the information was being corroborated by others. We did a mad dash, quickly putting all of our packed stuff into two vehicles. We were out of there very fast. It was too close for any wavering about the need to flee. Smoke was starting to seep into Lab Valley when we departed.

As we drove away, I saw the smoke plume that was already being generated by the fire. Lab Valley is to the left of the fire plume in this photo.

Now, we're at our old house, following the news. So far, it appears that the fire is being blown away from Lab Valley. I feel badly being even slightly happy about that because I know that it means that others are in the path of the fire. I even think about the wildlife who I am just starting to know. Their habitat is being burned.

I am exhausted and numb. We've found our paradise at Lab Valley, and now we are hoping to get out of this fire season with it intact.


  1. we are so sorry... and we send prayers and potp to you and to all people, pets and the wildlife.

  2. Bertie and I have fingers and paws crossed that you, and all those around you, stay safe.

  3. Hari OM

  4. It's such a beautiful piece of the country, we all hate to see it go up in flame. The people, the animals..... So very sad. Praying for everyone's safety.

  5. We are keeping our paws crossed that the fires will be extinguished soon.

  6. We've sure been praying for you all and trying to keep updated, it's very scary and I'm so glad you are safe.

  7. We continue to cross fingers and paws and keep you and the animals in our thoughts and prayers.

  8. Prayers that they will get this fire out and all will be well for everyone. I live in California and it burns every summer. No management here at all.

    Big healing hugs and tons of prayers. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. I hope the paradise you found will still be there for you and the dogs. It is such a lovely place for all of you. I also have pictures in my mind of those two young bears you shared and it really, really hurts to think about the wildlife lost in these fires. It's a tragedy all the way around, people, homes, wild animals. Sorry, I'm not being helpful here, I hope and pray that you will be safe and Lab Valley will be there for you and your dogs for years to come.

  10. Good thoughts and vibes coming from here. Sounds like you have a plan, hope you don't need it.

  11. We are so sorry you and so many others have to try to live under the threat of these terrible fires. We are glad you were able to evacuate, but we hope you can return soon. Please do take care. Hugs

  12. This is just heartbreaking news because even if your lab Valley Home is spared others will not be and these fires are just so horrible. Prayers that you will come out of this with your new wonderful home intact. I know that the four of you just love where you are and it's so beautiful even with that smoke over the valley it's just gorgeous. Prayers for protection of your lab Valley and for rain or snow or something that will stop these fires and for the safety of the bears and lions and all other Critters in the way of that fire

  13. We have got our fingers crossed the fire stays away from your new paradise. Thinking of you nad sending loads of pawsitive energy your way.

  14. Sending so many prayers to your family and all in the path...I'm thankful you still have your other home for safe shelter. Fire is one of my worst fears...your numbness and exhaustion expected
    Hugs cecilia

  15. Take care of yourselves. What a nightmare for everyone in the fire's path. Prayers of safety for everyone and of course Lab Valley. We are thinking of you.

  16. this unbelievable year of calamities. what a world we are in now. there are no words for it.
    I don't know what to say. try to stay strong. at least you're all together! bless you! XOXO

  17. We are hoping thing miss your new home and area. So very scary and sad as well for humans and all the creatures.

  18. The fires were on the news last night. It is frightening. You (and the others and animals in that area) are in my prayers.

  19. Hoping with all my heart your new home stays safe and secure. Thank goodness you still have your other home as a shelter.

  20. As I said to you on FB, I have been thinking of you today. I hope that all is quiet and you are getting rest and that all is well in your beautiful valley.

  21. Sending POTP! We also have been keeping an eye on Facebook and hope the winds die down and you get rain or snow soon to put an end to this horrible wildfire season...

  22. Just as you were starting to get settled in and both pups were so happy there. Hoping hard you can go back unscathed and something happens quickly to stop the fires.

  23. Oh hell. Pardon my French. Hang in there - I'm doing a snow dance like crazy for you all.

    More hugs from Boise.

  24. Just horrifying. I've been thinking of you throughout the day, and am relieved to hear that you and yours are safe for the time being. I understand your conflicted feelings about that, but of course being relieved at one's own safety doesn't mean anyone is wishing danger on anyone/anywhere else. Personally, I'm hoping for a huge snowfall, and will continue to do so, whether it is in the forecast or not.

  25. OH NOES! We here know (a little) what you are feeling, and it sucks. I will keep praying that it stays away from your valley, and the wild life are okays. {{{hugs}}} and AireZens!
    Ruby ♥

  26. We are crossing our fingers and paws tight, both that Lab Valley is spared and that the fire is brought under control quickly!


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