Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, October 6, 2020

Pepe the Bear eats apples from a tree

It is the season of apples. Near a favorite bear area, there's an apple tree that very rarely has fruit. Two years ago, it had just a few apples that made a young bear named "Pepe" go wild. He was small so he could easily climb into the tree to pick apples.

Last year, it had no apples. Pepe was around but the lack of apples must have made him sad.

This year, the year of the drought, the tree has more apples than I've ever seen before! Pepe arrived right on schedule. First, he ate the apples off the ground. On his next visit, he started climbing to get them. Climbing is more of a challenge now than 2 years ago because he's grown a lot!

I put together the footage of him at the apple tree. Enjoy!


  1. can I hire him for harvesting our pears? he is much better than mark ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    this brought a smile of joy to the faces of the Mac Clan! YAM xx

  3. That was fun watching Pepe pick apples. We're surprised the tree didn't break from his weight when he went so high in it.

  4. Pepe is one smart bear! And I too am surprised he did not break off the limbs. He would absolutely love to climb in our job Norma tree full of avocados and I bet he would love the avocados even better than the apples. I wonder if there's get stomach aches from eating too many apples like people do! He gave me quite a few laugh-out-loud moments

  5. Very smart bear that has some wicked climbing skills.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Love it! Thanks for putting it up here.

  7. Love it! Thanks for putting it up here.

  8. Who doesn't love apples! Pepe is one smart bear!

  9. When you're hungry or getting ready to hibernate, you'll figure out a way to get those freebies just calling out your name.

  10. That would have to be the funniest video of a bear ever, so glad the branches held his weight.

  11. Pepe needs a job as director of Picking. What a great video
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Just what we need during these difficult times: A tough old apple tree and a determined young bear coming together in a fabulous nature video.

  13. I kept expecting the tree to break under his weight!

  14. Lucky bear!
    (We had a good crop of apples this year too, here in Scotland).

  15. Wow, he went up pretty high in that tree - he must really enjoy apples. Pepe needs to learn to shake the tree limbs and knock the apples to the ground. We just LOVE the bear videos.

  16. Determined fellow! I'm sure those apples are a real treat for him. I wonder what mother nature has in store for us this winter with the increased produce.

    Take care and stay well!

  17. The name of your post could be the name of a children's book

  18. He sure does like his apples. He could come to our house as the neighbors have an apple tree that drops apples in out yard. Mom is always tossing them back over the fence. We didn't even know bears like to eat apples.


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