Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, October 5, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Happy Hachi! There seems to be nothing in the world that Hachi loves more than playing with his sister.

 And one of my favorite parts of the day is watching the two of them have a blast chasing each other.

Overall, it was a great week for Hachi. He did well with strangers, especially when he had a chance to adapt to them before meeting them closer up.

He's been handling the frequent trips back and forth between the houses well. It seems like it could be confusing to a dog but he's settling into the new place and seems to be comfortable with it being our new home.

I've been listening to a podcast called "The Bitey End of the Dog" by Michael Shikashio. Listening to the stories has made me realize that we are very lucky that Hachi is coming so far. Some dogs with easier backgrounds than Hachi never recover. Hachi seems like he may be leaving behind his worries. I doubt that he'll ever be 100% normal but he's already getting close.

We are lucky and so is Hachi.



  1. oh that are wonderful news and we hope more and more will come...a friend just adopted a colley mix who hated all people. she worked for weeks with her and at the end she waited at the entrance of a park with a bag of treats... she asked all people who passed to give her dog a treat and a smile, so she learns that people are good... it fortunately worked, but I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try that with nelly...

  2. Hari OM
    this is a heartening post! YAM xx

  3. What a wonderful post and we are loving your beautiful fields of gold!

  4. Hachi fits into our human world that has become NOT NORMAL... so glad he is getting beter and better and all of you are adjusting to your move...

  5. We're so glad to hear Hachi is doing so well.

  6. Hachi is where he needs to be and it's showing. Wonderful.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Maybe the move means he has a home that is his and not just one he moved into. Hooray for Happy Hachi.

  8. It is so wonderful to see Hachi continue to progress under your loving care.

  9. Golden colours everywhere, and Hachi is thriving and loving the new home.Let him continue to do so very well, you have worked a miracle together.

  10. Those pups are so very very fortunate to be loved by you and Runner and of course vice a versa.
    Joyful photo
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Hachi knows that home is wherever his family is.

  12. A good game of tag in golden sunlight makes anyone happy. Keep up the good work, Hachi.

  13. Good for all of you. Thank you for taking the time with this gorgeous boy.

  14. Hachi is getting what he needs from you guys, love, understanding, and a lovely companion to run with and chase in Shyla.

  15. Hachi is doing so very well!!! Maybe he is thinking he got double lucky and has two beautiful homes:)

  16. KB, did you see Trisha McConnell's latest post? https://www.patriciamcconnell.com/theotherendoftheleash/different-place-different-dog

    The move, and even the heartbreaking loss of dear R, may have re-set his world.

    Chris from Boise

    1. I just read it. It sure does describe Hachi!

  17. We are so happy that Hachi was chosen by you for this special life.

  18. WooooHoooo! Happy to hears this my furiend! Those pics tell a thousand words!
    Ruby ♥

  19. Part of it is Hatchi, and part of it is the dedication you have given to helping him. Not everyone can or wants to put forth so much effort. We are super happy for him.

  20. I love seeing him romping through those fields, and he certainly looks like a happy dog! I'm so glad for all of you that he is making such good progress. ♥
    Jan, Wag 'n Woof Pets


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