Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Thankful Thursday

This evening, we did a little hike to see what was happening on the fire front. When we arrived at the view of the Continental Divide, we were stunned. A wildfire on the other side of the Divide blew up today, creating a smoke plume that dwarfed the towering mountains.


That's a 13,000' peak below the smoke and it looks tiny compared to the smoke plume. The smoke looked orange due to the sun setting behind it.

The world feels entirely out of control here in Colorado. Our very hot and dry weather all summer means that the world is primed to catch on fire. If you add wind to that mix, it creates a disaster.

The world of the past few days has made me yearn for the somewhat more normal days of earlier this month. Our smoke was from further away, and sometimes we could see the world clearly like at dawn when the moon was full.

We haven't heard any real news about "our" fire. Time will tell. We will keep trying to get into our house to get it ready for the hard freeze this weekend. Rumors are flying around, which intensifies our feeling of having no control over our lives. We fear leaving the dogs alone in the house even briefly because a new fire might erupt, and we might not be able to get back in to evacuate them. We feverishly refresh the local wildfire news to try to understand what we're seeing outside. It's so stressful.

But, I do feel thanks for some things in our lives. I am thankful that our land and house haven't burned. I am thankful that I saw the full moon set earlier this month. I am grateful that Hachi is handling all the wildfire tumult and the craziness of cleaning out the old house amazingly well. And, I am always thankful for Shyla who makes my days brighter.


  1. we hope so much for you and for all epps and pets... and for the wildlife and the nature... it's so sad to see what is gone within minutes but needed years to grow...

  2. Hello,
    The wildfire looks so scary, amazing sky images. I am sending prayers for you and your dogs and homes,stay safe. Take care, wishing you a happy day!

  3. That smoke plume is just incredible, and terrifying. I know your will be doing your utmost to keep yourselves and your dogs safe in this frightening environment.
    If only I could redirect some of our Scottish rain...
    All the best,
    Gail and Bertie.

  4. that is a scary scary smoke, prayers for your safety

  5. hari OM
    having experienced similar Down Under, I know something of what you are feeling... it is such an unpredicable thing and we are reminded that we, are as subject to nature's flow as any tree or blade of grass... Sending Love and Safety vibes, YAM xx

  6. I'm so sorry you have to experience this. I've only been in a similar situation once with fires burning in a canyon right behind us. We were not evacuated, but still very stressful. I'm glad Hachi is handling it well. I hope it will snow soon, but now I wonder how that would work. Would snow melt from the heat of the fires? Turn to rain? I imagine the weather turning colder and more humid would help the fire fighters. They are heroes for sure, I admire them so very much.

  7. We're thankful for the updates you give, we worry about you all so much and think about you lots too. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  8. That smoke plume is very scary looking. We are keeping our paws crossed that the fires will be contained soon.

  9. Wow, that smoke plume is incredible. I hope you're able to get into the new house soon to prepare it for the cold weather. Good luck, take care and stay well.

  10. So worried for y'all. Sending all my love and good mojo for you, for the best possible outcome.

  11. How scary and stressful for you all. We continue to keep paws and fingers crossed. Stay safe!

  12. That looks so familiar. California burns every summer.

    I've got my fingers and toes crosses.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  13. We are so very sorry for all you are having to deal with...sending love and hope.

  14. I can't begin to imagine what you are going through on such a large scale. We had a scare once of a small forest fire across from our house. I was home with 9 animals and no vehicle. It was scary. The thing I remember most was the heat from that fire and that it seem to take forever for the fire fighters to get there. That was several years ago and it still scares me to think about it.

    I am so glad Hachi is handling all the chaos and fear so well. I wouldn't be able to leave the dogs alone in the house either.

    Prayers for rain and relief. <3

  15. Oh KB I'm in shock at those first photos. Fire is my very worst fear...I'm sending you all kinds of love and prayers and hugs. I wish I could help. This crazy world is catawampus. Too much rain in places that don't need it and not enough where it is needed. I can surely understand your fear of leaving Shyla and Hachi alone
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. We have been thinking about you all day. We heard that a fire in Colorado exploded in size today. We are so hoping it was not in your area. Please do take care. Hugs.

  17. I wish the rest of the country saw this as the devastating hell scape it is. We pray it ends.

  18. Sometimes one has to dig deep for thankful thoughts. Good for you for finding some. Your photos of the plume of the East Troublesome fire are absolutely stunning - and terrifying. Snow dance continues, along with hopes that you can get back to your house and winterize before the deep cold settles in.

    Yet more hugs from Boise

  19. I hadn't had a chance to comment yet, but I've been checking in on you and following along! I was hoping for better news on getting back to your new house.
    I can only imagine how stressful this all is, so good for you on finding some positive things in the midst of tumult.
    Hang in there...we are thinking of you and hoping/praying for better news soon. ♥

  20. Keeping you in our thoughts and prayers. 💙

  21. Hoping you get a bunch of snow dumped on all those fires!


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