Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, October 23, 2020

Update and Pupdate

We got into our new place. We had no power so we spent the time winterizing it to avoid bursting pipes or destroying appliances. 

The weather has made a drastic change. It's 13°F and there's a coating of freezing rain on everything. We are back at our old place which does have power.

It has been such a frantic and disorienting time. We are lucky to have our old house to take refuge. This would have been a lot harder without it. However, I also feel a bit lost. Some of our belongings are in our new house and some are in our old house. Many items are "lost", maybe thrown into bags as we evacuated and brought to the old house. Or, maybe they're in the new house. My heart is similar - confusion reigns as we are stuck between chapters in our life.

The most amazing thing is how well Hachi is doing. He just had a birthday, and he's 2 years old now. He's handling this chaos with surprising calmness. We had three sets of workers at the old house yesterday while we were there, and he barked a little but then snoozed. That is almost unbelievable for him. I have been blown away by his behavior repeatedly during this event.

We have continued his training while we've been evacuated, learning the "Bucket Game" for cooperative care. We'll use it (after he's learned it) for things like nail clipping and checking a body part if he's hurt. He has made a sudden breakthrough in his understanding of it. Why now when we've been working on it for months? I do not know but I'll gratefully accept it.

At some point soon, I really am going to take that blogging break. I need to rest and find my inner peace again. If the blog stops, please don't worry. I think that we're safe from fires, at least for now. The one in Rocky Mountain National Park could conceivably threaten us but it feels unlikely right now.

Thank you for your support and love.


  1. hugs to you we hope so much that even this year a little normal is possible... and a happy birthday to your Hachi...

  2. Since I heard about your being evacuated last week, I have been sending my best vibes and lots of love in your direction.

    I am so glad that Hachi is doing well, it is truly a tribute to you and the life you are giving him. I love that you are finding those happy moments with him to embrace and enjoy, and I hope they continue to lift your heart and spirit.

    Finally,I glad that you are seeing the need to take the time for yourself. Too often *we* put ourselves second, or third or fourth or ... But we need to recharge our inner batteries -- and when peace and solitude (and safety) return to your corner of the world, take that time for yourself. Just know, we are all out of here cheering and praying for all of you at this uncertain time.

  3. Sending inner peace‼️ So happy to hear Hachi is doing so well, I wonder if he sensed fear levels or something like that, for the sudden turn in learning...? I know we’ll never know, but happy to hear it’s getting better.
    We are here if you need anything, happy to help. 💕❗️

  4. We're glad to hear you were able to get to your new house to protect it from the cold. It's wonderful to hear Hachi is doing so well through this unsettled time. He only has you (and your husband) to thank for that. Take care and take a break if you need it. Just know that we are all thinking of you and all paws are crossed to keep your family safe.

  5. I'm am so glad you are okay and that your new place is okay. Happy Birthday to dear Hachi from all of us. Hey, if anyone deserves a blogging break and a break it general it's you. Hugs from all of us.

  6. I'm so glad to hear some more promising news, and yay for Hachi! When things settle down, hopefully you can tell us more about the "bucket game"? I don't think you have - it doesn't sound familiar?
    Still will be thinking of you and hoping you can get back into your new house soon. ♥

    1. For now, google it. It's a really great way to do "care" type procedures to a reactive and sensitive pup. It makes them into our partners in it rather than leaving them powerless. We really had trouble getting Hachi to start to understand it which is odd. That's why I hadn't talked about it - because it wasn't going well. But we've stuck with it, and I see the progress now.

  7. KB,, so thankful you have your old house to go back to. Hachi is amazing, but so are his parents. Enjoy the blogging break and find peace.

  8. SO impressed with the Hachi report (two years old - wow!!!), and so relieved that your new house is standing and winterized.

    Your lives were chaotic before the fires, with the move, R's death, and all. Then the chaos and uncertainties of the evacuation. Take that break. You've more than earned it. And yes, when you return - what the heck is the Bucket Game?

    Chris from Boise

    1. Try googling it! Our behaviorist suggested it, and I like it.

  9. Good for Hachi and I'm glad you got to winterize your new home.

    You do what you need to do where blogging is concerned. Taking a break now and then is a good thing.

    You and yours remain in my prayers.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. hari OM
    hehehe, I had looked up 'bucket game' before finding you advising the go ogle!!! It looks lots of fun and I realise that I had kinda-sorty devised something of this type to help Jade through some procedures; though for us it involved toy rewarding. Collaboration makes it soooo much easier for efurrybuddy!!!

    be safe, be well and be rested... YAM xx

  11. KB thank you for the up and pup date. I sure do hope there is snow or freezing rain in your future.
    We continue to send hugs and prayers for strength for all.
    Take care of YOU

  12. Even tho you are "in-between" s many things, it sounds like you've got everything covered. Good job!! Hope in the future you'll tell us more about the Bucket Game. Sounds interesting. Know we are thinking of you and sending good vibes your way.


  13. Glad you are all safe the Hatchi is doing so well. Life can be overwhelming and sometimes we think about taking a blogging break, but we always seem to have photos to share or stories to tell, so we forge ahead. Take time if you need it and stay safe.

  14. We are so happy that you got to winterize to protect your pipes.
    Happy Birthday, Hachi!
    Take some time for yourself, KB. We can only imagine how extremely stressful this is and has been.

  15. This has to be unbelievable stress on all of you and I am so happy that Hachi has made a turn for the good and it's doing so well. If you don't log will all be waiting for you when you come back I'm praying for your safety and that Hachi Hachi will continue to get better and better

  16. So pleased things are looking a bit safer now. Do take time to enjoy your blogging break!

  17. Phew, hopefully the risk continues to lessen and you'll be able to get to your new home soon. I'm not a dog person, but I have to think that your training and care, and a little maturity has brought Hachi to this point. That's wonderful news.

    I agree, do take the time for yourself, rest and relax. Take care, stay well!

  18. I like things planned and organized - just reading about all the turmoil in your life makes my stomach ache! Stay safe and take all the time necessary to heal. In the meantime, thanks for the updates, glad to hear you are safe for now.

  19. Stay safe and take good care of your psyche. Thinking of you and praying for the craziness to abate soon.

  20. We are SOOOOO happy to hear you and your pack are safe, we hope the power is back on soon in your new place and you can get back to some form of normality soon.

    PeeEss...I did google the bucket game and it looks like a perfect game to get Sunny playing! Thanks for sharing!

  21. I wonder if all the changes has also made Hachi's mind jump out of the old rut and more open to new things, like learning new games.

  22. Sorry about the chaos, but otherwise exceptionally good news! Thank you for the update. Now, REST! :)

  23. A little late getting here today, but we are glad to hear the more encouraging report. We worried when we didn't see your post early this morning. We hope things get less topsy turvy soon for you and the Runner. Do take care of yourself and fine that inner peace. We will continue to keep you and your loved ones in our thoughts and prayers. YAY for Hachi.

  24. Hachi has learned to rise above the tension. That is excellent. I pray for you everyday.

  25. I'm glad you were able to go back to your home, glad you and the pups are well, and I'm also so grateful that the closest fire is 100 percent contained. Hopefully the other fires will follow suit soon. It's been such a stressful time for everyone. I very much relate to how you are feeling.

  26. Glad you are safe. Thinking of you at this difficult time.

  27. Oh gosh, moving is hard enough without a fire going on!
    I am so sorry this is going on for you.
    So nice that Hachi is doing well through it all, that is helpful.

  28. Oh my goodness, I have just been catching up on your posts. I am glad you are all safe, what a frightening time you have been living through. Sometimes we see on the TV News pictures of the devastation that fires are causing and I always feel for the folk who are losing their homes and livelihoods. The impact on the wildlife doesn't bear thinking about.
    Stay strong and look after yourselves, hugz Mxx


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