Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 9, 2020

Back Again

We are back after a relaxing break. It was a time when it was good to be off-the-grid, even though we were itching for news. 

Shyla had lots of reasons to howl. Perhaps she was howling to our Black Dog up in the sky in this one. We've been missing him like crazy. His happy heart made us smile so much. As I thought about him, the song "Here comes the sun" often flitted through my head. He was sunshine in our world.



  1. Hari OM
    Hello and welcome back - I do hope that your valley is bright and ready for winter and embracing your pack again! YAM xx

  2. so great that you are back...and this song is now R's song for us... and when they play it we think about your black dog and you...

  3. Love that song! R brought sunshine into our lives also (As your pack has done for many years!) Glad to hear all is well there.

  4. I hope you showing up here with a post means that you are back in your new home and that the fires are gone and they are no longer a threat. It made my heart happy to see Shyla Howlin and to know that you were safe. And I know the hard way that you feel missing our because I'm still feeling the same thing for Big Boy

  5. We all loved R. He was a most wonderful pup.

    I hope all is well in your world.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. Welcome back! I missed your blog. Hope all is well.

  7. Glad you are back and it sounds like you all are safe. Mom misses Emma every day and has her daily tears and it has been 2 years. Some pups are harder to lose than others and he was a special boy. Hugs to you.

  8. You were missed...I hope and pray the fires are HISTORY. Shyla was surely sending R a bit of news.
    We speak of Madi and all her charming ways daily. Amazing how everything has a memory attached even after they are Angels
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Welcome back, KB! You were missed.

  10. Good to have you back. Hope is well in your neck of the woods. Take care, stay well!

  11. So glad to see you this morning! Hope the break was healing in all ways for you.

    Chris from Boise

  12. Everyone has already voiced my sentiments exactly. Good to see you back.

  13. I'm glad to hear you have been able to have a relaxing break. We all need those occasionally.
    I miss my hubby like you miss Black Dog. Time moves on but sometimes it seems that sore heart-spot doesn't want to heal very fast.
    Stay safe, and happy to see you blogging again. Mxx

  14. We're glad to have you back and see that Shyla is happy to be back too.

  15. We've sure missed you and have been looking for you every day. We hope all is okay in Lab Valley.

  16. Welcome back. We've missed you too!

  17. Welcome back. We have missed "seeing" you very much.

  18. I'm sorry to learn about R. Glad you're safe!

  19. Welcome back. We are looking forward to your adventures. We hope everyone is doing well in the Lab Valley.

  20. WooooHooooo!!!!! OMD, I am so glads you guys are alright! Been thinkin' abouts you guys lots, and hopin' everything is okays. You guys were totally missed!
    Ruby ♥

  21. So happy you are back! You have been missed along with your pack!

  22. Welcome back! Good to see the time off brought peace to your souls. ☮️

  23. Glad you had a nice, relaxing break, welcome back!!

  24. Welcome back, we missed you. Glad your break was what you needed.

  25. I Wasn't Worried But Damn Was I Worried - And I Sure Do Miss BLK Dog On Sundays - It Appears That More Snow Is In The Forecast For This Weekend - Go Team Human & Know Your Tribe Is Loved From This Side Of The Divide

    Be Well,


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