Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, November 10, 2020

Mountain snow and Tiny the bear returns!

We are really back in our mountains, enjoying a blustery winter day. After a couple of very warm weeks in the desert, true winter is chilling my bones. The good news is that this weather may make it possible to really put out the fires. Snow and cold are in every day's forecast for the foreseeable future which will help the firefighters. The fires were substantially slowed down by snow a couple of weeks ago but they nonetheless kept burning. They didn't gobble up substantial new land due to the heroic efforts of firefighters. And so our new house still stands...

Now that we're back in the mountains, I have wonderful news. Tiny, our biggest black bear, has returned to our neck of the woods and is looking huge. His waistline expanded so much that I wonder what high calorie treats he was eating. He's still limping and marking trees while sitting down rather than standing but I suspect that's now a permanent state of affairs. His injured hind limb is probably not going to heal two years after the injury.

I didn't share it here but I was very worried about him all summer. He disappears every year from June through early autumn. I don't know where he goes, except that it must be a place with lots of food because he always comes back fat. This year, early in the summer, I heard about a bear who was visiting campsites up higher in our local mountains. Our state wildlife agency said that they were shutting down the area to re-educate the bear about plundering campsites. We all assumed that meant that the bear would be hazed so that he'd leave campsites alone in the future.

Within 2 days of the closure, a press release said that they'd shot the bear. As part of the press release, they said that the deceased bear had an old but serious injury to a hind limb and that he was very large (they estimated 200 lbs). I thought that Tiny was substantially bigger than 200 lbs, and so did my friends who have seen him in person, but I worried anyway. So, I was extra happy to catch a glimpse of Tiny on my trail cams in October. I'm glad that the dead bear wasn't Tiny but I still grieve that another bear lost his life due to campers leaving food lying around their campsites.

Check out fat and handsome Tiny in this video. I'll take any reason to celebrate, and this is definitely one!


  1. I feel like you... I'm sorry for the bear... but it wasn't tiny... but it's so sad...

  2. Such good news about Tiny. He looks well set up for winter!
    Good news that the fires are under control too.

  3. So happy timing was not the one that was shot and so sad about the one that was! It looks like tiny will be real ready to make it through the winter when he goes into hibernation. He should have enough to last a long long time and I too am wondering just what he ate to get that fat

  4. I'm glad you were able to get home. And I sure hope the fires are out soon.

    Thanks is one huge bear! Glad he made it through another summer. Take care, stay well.

  5. We are so glad your new place is okay and we are very happy to see Tiny too!

  6. I'm glad the bear wasn't Tiny, but folks should know how to camp. It's not the bears fault it's our fault. I'm happy Tiny is thriving.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. Whew...I was reading with worry. Tiny darling good to see you are well-rounded.
    Like Sandee said the bears are being bears humans need to DO BETTER.
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Wonderful to see hm again, so big and his fur looked to be 6” long. Even though he has that injured leg he seems to move pretty well.your initial statement about having followed him for 10 years made me wonder how long a big guy like this lives? He’s such a beautiful boy. Your new place looks lovely nestled in the frost covered trees❣️

  9. It's wonderful to see Tiny again and he sure is huge! We're so happy to hear that your new home was spared by the horrible fires.

  10. We're so glad to see Tiny looking so big and ready for his long nap.

  11. I saw your post on the Facebook trailcam group. I can feel your happiness!
    We had a lone yearling black bear and haven't seen him since Aug. 28. There was a bear collision in our area, so I am not hopeful.
    Cheers from Ontario!

  12. We're so glad that your house and Tiny are both okay!

  13. Hari OM
    Yay for not-so-Tiny!!! Very sorry to hear of the other bear though. So glad you are all back in place. You have been missed. YAM xx

  14. How nice to see Tiny all chubby and ready for Winter!! I do wish they didn't have to shoot bears for foraging around humans...The bears were here first....

  15. Good news about the cold weather, and about Tiny. Maybe he should be renamed Rolly Poly?!

  16. Best post we have read today!!! We are so happy to see Tiny doing so well. We are sad for the other bear, such a sad loss.

  17. I am so pleased that you have seen Tiny again. He is a survivor. Praying for all the other creatures.

  18. I know bears are dangerous, not to be approached, and need to be respected. But....I still want to hug them!

  19. With more snow, I hope those exhausted firefighters will now be able to finally extinguish the fires. I'm so happy your place escaped damage.
    Shame about the bear being put down because people cannot be responsible.

  20. Sadly all too often its wildlife that suffers for the bad behavior of clueless humans contribution but very glad 'your' Tiny is safe.

  21. He must really have a great food spot to hang out at. No problem for him surviving hibernation if he can fit into a den!


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