Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 22, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog lived each day as if he knew that you don't get days back just because life hasn't gone perfectly.

Back in the fall of 2018, he had to have an eye removed due to glaucoma. His surgeon gave us permission to take him camping in the desert just a couple of weeks later. We were amazed by his exuberance on that trip. He sprinted across the top of Shyla's Mesa on our first day there.

He raced with his sister as if his vision was still perfect.

His refusal to be dragged down by the hurdles that life threw in front of him was inspiring. His joyful approach to life can perhaps guide us all in this moment of crisis due to the pandemic. There are no "do-overs" in the journey of life. Our Black Dog would say to try to find joy in each of these days despite the hardships that we all face.

Happy Black Dog Sunday


  1. Hari Om
    True, angel R... very true... hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  2. R certainly had an incredible attitude, one we all can take a lesson from. Thanks for sharing.

  3. Black Dog was wise, loving, strong and brave. I am so glad for these Sunday posts, they are an inspiration for living each day with the gate open to life.

  4. Ditto: love these Black Dog Sundays. Thank you for sharing his eternal optimism and joy!

    Chris from Boise

  5. Inspiring indeed.
    Thank you Black Dog!

  6. no words. heartfelt gratitude for his spirit. xoxo

  7. Black dog was a wise old soul. I think he must have lived many wise lifetimes and knew to pass on this wisdom.

  8. R certainly knew how to enjoy every day, with his surgeries, his one eyesight, and the so living family who gave him all the TLC and so much more.He continued to show that we should also overcome the hurdles we find, and with Covid, one massive one, we can copy his spirit and live each day with thankfulness and love.

  9. The best part of dogs is their ability to live in the now.

  10. What a lesson for all of us. Thank you, Black Dog.

  11. You are 100% correct:
    'Our Black Dog would say to try to find joy in each of these days despite the hardships that we all face.'
    What a beautiful post and photos of everyone's favorite Black Dog....R.
    Hugs cecilia

  12. Good words to live by. And his spirit lives on...

  13. R was a wonderfully resilient dog with lots of courage and determination - hmmm, maybe some inspiration from his human:)

  14. Your Black Dog sure had a great attitude and is an inspiration to us all.

  15. You lived the most wonderful happy life, R♥

  16. Everyone of us reading this post R as an example for our own lives


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