Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 23, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Nothing makes Hachi happier than playing with his sister.

We camped in very quiet parts of the desert with almost no one else around. This was a "wash" which is like a river bed that fills with water only when there's a flash flood. It has a sandy bottom and goes on for miles. We love to hike in these washes.

On a dry day, it's a perfect place for the pups to play as we walk.

Hachi is transformed by play whether it's with us humans or with Shyla. He gets loose and goofy. Nothing fazes him while plays.

I began playing with Hachi almost a year ago. It continues to be a daily thing. As soon as we wake up, we humans play with Hachi for 10 or 15 minutes. He rolls on his back and acts like a silly puppy. It's so much fun!

Life is still pretty frantic around here but it feels like Hachi is settling into Labrador Valley. It's a place that soothes all of our souls - but it makes Hachi the happiest of all of us. It's a place where he can run and play just like he did in the desert.

I think that we're getting back on track.


  1. how great that he found his happy place... we all need such a place where we can be a puppy for a while ;O)

  2. We love your goofy playing pictures, Hachi, and we're so happy that you're getting back on track!

  3. I'm so happy to hear that your life is finally getting back on track!

  4. It's good to hear that Hachi has a way to feel free from his worries. He and Shyla look like they sure are enjoying themselves.

  5. What great actions shots and I'm so happy Hachi is thriving in his new home. You're done wonders with him.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the precious pups. ♥

  6. It makes us all so happy to see sweet Hachi enjoying life!

  7. Moving homes and the stress of your evacuation, and Hachi comes up smiling and so playful, maybe the desert trip was just what was needed for you all. Those rock colours are amazing.

  8. Hachi and Shyla your joy and gusto for life is infectious
    Hugs Cecilia

  9. Hari OM
    It's infectious - and this kind of infection I wish to catch!!! YAM xx

  10. Wonderful for Hachi, for Shyla and for you too. Take care and stay well!

  11. It's always nice to see Hachi and Shyla playing together!!

  12. Good or you, getting back on track.
    The scenery is amazing!

  13. Playtime is good for the soul. As you know, I'm pretty old and I still enjoy it. Hachi seems to be doing really well and I'm so happy for you, for the new place working out so well.

  14. Everyone enjoys a good playtime - lifts the spirit and calms the soul:)

  15. Dry washes fascinate me - possibly because I have never seen one with water in it!
    I'm glad you are all settling down into your new home :)

  16. Playtime is always the best time. So happy for you all and for Hatchi.

  17. To many happy days of playtime...for the pups and their humans.


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