Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

After years of waiting to "know" where to bury our dogs' ashes, we finally did it. After moving to Labrador Valley, we both fell in love with a side valley that has a lone pine tree in the midst of aspen groves. That pine tree is a Ponderosa. It stands tall and strong, leaning and bending with the west wind but still flourishing. It is a testament to the power of life.

Here is a view of it from lower down in the valley. It's in the middle of the photo almost at the top of the valley.

We decided to bury the ashes of the dogs who came before Shyla and Hachi at the base of that
beautiful pine tree. Here's a closer view of it.

It is a peaceful oasis to serve as a final resting place. We waited for decades to choose a spot so you can imagine how special we think that Lone Ponderosa is. We go through the Lone Ponderosa's valley almost every day so we'll feel as if our departed pups are part of our new life here.

Because our Black Dog's death was recent, it was especially hard to say a final goodbye to him. But we know that his ashes belong out in nature, where they can become part of the cycle of life.

Our Black Dog sprinting like the wind across a mesa

Rest in Peace sweet dogs. We wish that all of you could have been alive for this chapter of our lives. But, we are comforted that we have your ashes here with us in a glorious spot.

Our Black Dog would want all of us to find a reason to smile today. I am smiling at his memory with eyes full of tears.


  1. I too have tears in my eyes, that is the perfect place and oh so beautiful.

  2. Wonderful resting place, where you can visit and know your loved pups are with you.

  3. I feel the sting of tears too. I know it's hard to let go of the one "tangible" thing we have left of our dogs, so finding that spot to put their remains is indeed an emotional and deeply personal one.

  4. I'm bawling like a newborn baby over here. You have such strength to do this! It's such a beautiful & peaceful place for your furry ones.

  5. The purrfect spot for your most beautiful Angels. Hugs.

  6. That is such a beautiful spot. We are so glad you found it.

  7. I have no words. XO

  8. I can only imagine how special that spot is. To have waited this long, it has to be the right one. Now you have me thinking about if we're at the right place to do the same.

  9. What a beautiful spot of all of your precious angels♥

  10. What a beautiful place to lay your angels to rest.

  11. KB it is perfect....the Ponderosa is strong like the bond you had with your angels and now have with your pack of 2. Sending hugs

  12. You found the absolutely most appropriate spot for your sweet boy. RIP dear boy and watch over your pack from your resting spot. 💙

  13. This must give you a peaceful feeling. As for me, I'm smiling with tears in my eyes. It's both wonderful and strange how we bloggers and our dogs can touch each other's hearts. Rest in this peaceful place, you sweet and special Black Dog.

  14. Hard to find any one word other than "beautiful".

  15. That is a beautiful spot for a fantastic dog. It fits him well.

  16. Oh, nows that is pawsome! So fitting for all your pups, and especially R. {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥

  17. Good On You - Waiting For The Magic To Appear - Excellent Resting Place For Both Sides Of Life - Sending Love Your Way

    Big Hugs

  18. Oh, how beautiful and poignant. I am so happy for you that you have such a lovely place as your pups' final resting place, and that you are able to visit it anytime you wish...

  19. I'm so glad you found the perfect spot, and a place you can see and visit often. ♥


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