Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 30, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi is settling into Labrador Valley, enjoying his playtime and off-leash running. He is an incredibly athletic dog who needs daily opportunities to stretch his legs. He got those in the desert on the slickrock and he gets them here.

That doesn't mean that his behavior has been perfect. On the good news side of the ledger, he is getting along beautifully with Shyla (and that's so important!). But, he had a bad few minutes when he saw some people who he's never met before. And, he's suddenly decided that he doesn't like sleeping in a crate. He barked the night away last night - until the Runner kindly took him to the living room for some snuggle time.

He's a complicated dog. The damage from his early days is not easily fixed. But, in general, he's very slowly getting better. We have to keep the faith when the inevitable hiccups happen.

It was ironic that I had a dog chase me aggressively the other day during a snow bike ride. I happened upon some people who had driven back into the forest to illegally cut Christmas Trees. They had their dog loose, and he was worse than Hachi is with strangers (I was the "stranger"). Yet, the people didn't even try to get the dog away from me. Fortunately, Hachi has taught me the best reaction - ignore the dog while moving away from him. That strategy worked while the owners watched silently. Perhaps they didn't know what to do? I know how difficult it is to be the owner of a dog who behaves like that.

We will keep helping Hachi to be less afraid of strangers. We love him so it comes naturally to us.


  1. I hate such people... we just met them in the park ... hugs to you ... fortunately such people happen rarely...

  2. Foolish people, for a multitude of reasons. It would seem Hachi has lessons to learn as well as to teach.

    Take care and stay well.

  3. Hachi is so absolutely beautiful. He just glows in the sunshine. Sorry about the dog chasing you that's what what makes me nervous walking our dogs when I am alone. Mine are on a leash and that if one gets out that is not on the leash that causes problems

  4. Hachi is such a handsome pup.

    Yikes on that loose dog. That's not right and will end up costing them some big bucks down the road.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. So as Hachi learns from you, you too learn useful lessons from him.
    Bertie thinks nighttime snuggles are the best!

  6. We're glad to hear Hachi is settling in to the new house. Moving is stressful for everyone but we know you will help him through any set backs he has.

  7. He really is a happy pup and he really has made such progress.

  8. I guess people don't understand they need to control their dogs off leash. And that takes work. You can't just go to the woods and expect your dog to know how to behave. And you could lose them too, if they wander off when you don't pay attention. It takes only a minute. Good that you knew what to do to deescalate the situation.

  9. I am so glad that you didn't get an injury, and Hachi so enjoys the safe space where you are now, and specially the desert. He glows with happiness.

  10. I have had some success with my dog who is uncomfortable with strangers - you may know this one. I teach him to "Say Hi", which means Luca goes to the stranger, who has is open palm face down, and touches in then runs right back to me for a treat. Sometimes he is too scared to make contact, but many times he can. The next step is to have the stranger hold his palm up and I use the command "High Five" and Luca will touch the palm with his feet. Sometimes the latter seems easier than the former. I so appreciate you sharing your story with Hachi, and the wildlife stuff too!

    1. Thanks for the suggestion! That helped Shyla years ago. But, Hachi is still too skittish to go near total strangers. But, unlike when he was younger, he does warm up to people pretty fast now if he meets them in a normal way (not as a surprise to all of us). I am really glad that Luca is coming along :)

  11. How sweet of the Runner to snuggle with you, Hachi. Snuggles fix everything. Loose dogs whig me out. You just never know. Thank goodness you got away safely!

  12. We wouldn't want to spend the night in our crates either. Napping during the day is fine and the door is usually open. Maybe it is a sign he needs you. We are glad he is doing so well most of the time.

    1. Unfortunately, he needs to be separated from Shyla at night (at least for now). We tried an ex pen last night, and it was much better!

  13. Since those folks were doing something illegal, maybe they had the dog there to chase off anyone who came upon them. Wondering what would have happened if Hachi had been with you...

  14. Hachi is doing so well. Nice to hear he is doing well with Shyla. One day at a time:) Lightning will not stay in a crate at all. That was the biggest problem with his knee surgery recovery. He is totally terrified of crates (and balloons and bikes and boxes :).

  15. I don't think anyone could have made Hachi the dog that you have. The people with the dog who chased you should give you the dog.

  16. Loose dogs acting aggressively while their clueless humans watch?? And illegally cutting down a tree?? Ugh. What is wrong with people? Glad there was nothing serious from the encounter and you responded like Hachi has taught you.


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