Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Female Mountain Lion Finally Catching up with Resident Male Mountain Lion

When I was last at our old place, the female mountain lion seemed to be going back and forth among the marking spots used by our main male mountain lion. I think that she was waiting for him to finally come through that neck of the woods so that they could get together.

At my final check of the cams, they were close together. They'd been within a half mile of each other in a 24 hour period. It blows my mind that males and females of such a sparse species actually find each other at all!

My prediction was that they were about to cross paths. Unfortunately, we cannot know if they will visit one my cams when they're together. I hope that they do.

Here is the most recent installment of their gradual coming together.


  1. do they write a kind of "love letters" with their scratching?

  2. We sure hope they zero in and find each other so maybe there will be babies to watch.

  3. Maybe this is some kind of Internet hook-up site four lions! He comes along and leaves his scent and says hey anybody out there looking for a great big gorgeous male here I am. She comes along and leaves her scent and says I'm here where are you and the goes on and on until they finally get together. I do hope we get to see them together

  4. How I admire your skills with these cameras, the editing, and making them so interesting. Now I want to check and find out how rare these big cats are. And Sandra's comment above makes sense in a funny way.

  5. I so hope they find each other. Wouldn't it be wonderful to watch the mountain lion kittens grow up!

  6. I love that we can follow their progress. Love is in the air.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. I just caught up on Hachi...Runner gets lots of brownies for taking Hachi in for some snuggle time. Having been here from the beginning, I'm very proud of you and Runner and Hachi.

    Oh yes we need to see mountain lion kitties
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. Thanks, Cecelia. This has been a learning experience all along. Hachi is such a damaged little guy. I wish that I had a magic wand to make him all better. I feel glad that we've forged such a strong bond with him. It makes it all easier to handle. I have great hope for him.

  8. The song " Love letters in the sand" comes to my mind, leave a message and you will find me right here. Hope they catch up and like all love stories " live happily ever after"

  9. We also hope we can see them together at some point!

  10. It's amazing how they figure it all out by smell. Noses are so brilliant in so many animals.

  11. As we said before, we hope to see the fruits of their labor somewhere along the way:)

  12. We hope their dates go well and kittens are in our future.

  13. I do so love the cats! Hopefully their courtship goes well and we'll see some kittens in a few months.

  14. There's probably so much info along those trails, no wonder the female walked back and forth. Maybe there was more than one male?


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