Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, November 13, 2020

Nature Friday - More Craziness from the Moose Rut

This fall, the chaos of the moose rut was astounding. It seemed to pervade the forest everywhere. We even heard the sounds of a moose vocalizing from a long distance during a hike. The moose was hidden by the forest but we could hear him!

Every time that I play video of the moose rut, their vocalizations blow my mind. Their voices do not sound like I expect them to. 

Here is a second video from the same pond where my trail cam previously videoed moose rut activity. Be sure to have your sound on and reasonably loud so that you can hear the vocalizations.



Also, join the Nature Friday Blog Hop over at the LLB Gang's Blog.


  1. love them... their eyes as he looked in the cam... wonderful ;O)

  2. With travel so limited just now, it was wonderful to be transported to this Rocky Mountain watering hole for 4 minutes as I drank my mid-morning coffee, to hear and to see close up your ever magnificent moose. Thank you and Happy Nature Friday!

  3. They are so beautiful yet so goofy-looking at the same time. Love them♥

  4. They really are such amazing big critters!

  5. Always some interesting interactions at the ponds around you.

  6. He was in such a hurry, and those calls, almost mournful, and then along came that huge lion with a magnificent tail. Thanks for sharing scenes that I'm sure all of us would not see any other way. I am hoping the snow has fallen in ample amounts to lessen the fire danger starting up again.

  7. That moose is moving at Mach moose speed. That is some rut call, they have kinda like someone with a tummy ache
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. It sounds much different than I thought it would sound as well. Beautiful animal.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. I love this silhouette the silhouette of their horn are antlers I guess you call them not horn. I can hear every month I can hear the droplets when they waved through the water that's just amazing how that can fix up all this beauty

  10. Amazing sounds and footage! What impressive creatures.

  11. What an interesting(and almost human) moose call! They are also very noisy drinkers LOL.
    Thanks so much for sharing these wonderful videos!

  12. When I was a child, we used to take a tin can, poke a hole through the bottom and put a string through the hole. By pulling the string back and forth we'd get something similar to a moose call though I don't think we ever brought one close to the farm. I've seen them though in the fields, but never as close up as your video!
    Thanks for sharing!

  13. They almost sound like an old man in distress. They can move pretty quickly too. We always enjoy your videos. Have a good weekend.


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