Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, November 14, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Since we've been back, we've been staying at our old place, working hard to clean out the "stuff" that we accumulated over the course of 20 years living in it. We've made huge progress, buoyed with energy from having rested for a couple of weeks. The clean up phase is almost finished and now we need the work on the new place to move forward a similar pace.


Aside from all of these details, I think that changing places and the uncertainty of it is tough on the dogs. They aren't sure where we actually live - In the LabMobile? In our old house? Or in our new house?

Shyla has shown the stress by being more easily upset than usual about being alone She expresses her anxiety by barking in an upset tone. I feel badly that she's stressed out. I hope that she can find more calmness when we head back to the new place soon and hopefully settle in for a while. I think that stability will help her.

The dogs have a far more fun life at our new place. They can be off-leash and play together - and the quiet world there calms them both (it calms us humans too!). I am looking forward to getting back to it.

While we were in the desert, my sweet Shyla barked with happiness when we played on top of "Shyla's Mesa" early in the morning. 

I love the desert so much, and I think that sweet Shyla does too!


  1. Hari Om
    ... and she'll love the snow when it comes!!! Hope it is all settled for you by Christmas so that you all can look into 2021 with Love and anticipation. YAM xx

  2. Love that last photo of you, Shyla♥ Happy Saturday!

  3. Trials And Tribulations But The Canines With Prevail - Their Wet Nose Will Pick Up The Scent Of Their Human - All Is Well - The Future Holds Hope And Happiness - Stay Strong


  4. We're sure everyone will be happy once you are in your new home permanently. Shyla sure looks happy to be on her mesa.

  5. Yes, it all has to be pretty confusing to them both but they'll figure it out and settle back in soon enough.

  6. I'm sure they will both feel much better when they have one home and not three. Most dogs do not like to have to move from place to place they like the same old same old so maybe I was a dog in my other life haha because I like the same old same old two.

  7. I agree with Sandra, I think they will feel more calm and settled in just one place. And I too love the desert so very much. My desert, the Mojave, looks different from yours, but a desert sunrise must be as magically beautiful in both.

  8. That picture just calms me..... You need to publish a book with all your wonderful pictures.

  9. I'm certain they'll settle in to your new home and be very happy there. All the back and forth is stressful for us and we know what's going on, they don't.

    Love the photos! Take care and stay well.

  10. Shyla is really a mountain girl, but the desert photos say she loves that too. Hope you get sorted, I know the sorting is so stressful, what to discard, give away, donate, keep for now or for later, we had lived in our other home for 18 years, had parents and a daughter stay and a friend, so there was a LOT of stuff!!!! When you yourselves are more settled, life will fall into a routine that Shyla will settle into as well. Hugs to all amid the election and Covid chaos

  11. KB and Shyla I love everything you post about your beautiful corner of Colorado!
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Once they have a settled routine, they will be fine. It's amazing how much dogs appreciate their daily routine. Best wishes as you transition to the new sanctuary home. Happy weekend.

  13. We are sure once things settle Shula will be fine. Moving is one of the most stressful things you can do! Happy purging!

  14. I had to chuckle...the LabMobile, new house, old house? Poor Shyla. How confusing! At least you are all together and have each other for comfort. Moving is the worst. Hopefully it will all be over soon. Hang in there!

  15. Moving after a number of years in one location is really hard. And it is hard to let go of "stuff". We are currently trying to unload a lot of "stuff" from our storage areas that just never seems to get used. We hope life settles soon, and Shyla can relax.

  16. It has been a hard few weeks for everyone. I think Shyla will get used to the new normal.

  17. I'm sure you will all be much happier when you finally get to settle into your new place. The transition is always difficult, but definitely worth it! ♥


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