Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Last year at this time, we were in the desert. I loved playing with our Labraduo atop Shyla's Mesa. They'd howl in harmony with each other.

And they'd cross paws while lying atop the mesa. I've never known a pair of dogs who loved each other as much as these two. Shyla's resilience amazes me.

I felt R's spirit atop the mesa during this past trip. Shyla and I found new ways to play together, which was sad but a step along the way to healing our hearts.

As I searched for photos from Shyla's Mesa for today's Black Dog Sunday, music was playing in the background. Suddenly, the words broke through my concentration. It was Mark Knopfler and Emmy Lou Harris singing "If this is goodbye". The words took me backward in time to August 12 as I realized that it was truly goodbye.

Even though it's a sad song, it's beautiful too. There's a great video of them performing it together that you might enjoy checking out.

Our Black Dog's spirit stays close to me all the time. I can feel him smiling at me with his huge hopeful eye whenever I'm out playing with Shyla or Hachi. 

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. The Labraduo in the desert, and Emmylou Harris + Mark Knopfler. Thanks for a great Sunday post.
    Cheers, Gail.

  2. Hari OM
    OH KB - that song is so fitting for the weekend we are facing here at the Mac Clanhouse... and perfect for Black Dog Sunday - thank you again for sharing him (and your 'pack') with us. YAM xx

  3. those photos have tears in my eyes, I miss my black dog so much, yesterday I took a photo of the stripes of sunshine on the kitchen floor with tears in my eyes. Big would have been in those stripes. Beau doesn't care for laying in the sun beams, our only dog that did not lay there. so glad you shared these photos with us

  4. You just can't help but carry R's spirit in your heart, he was amazing.

  5. What sweet memories of your last trip to the desert with R. You can see the bond he and Shyla had in those pictures.

  6. Such beautiful memories. (They make my eyes leak.)

  7. Your posts about R always make me cry. Tears of sadness but sweet tears too to see the bond between R and Shyla, and to know that bond was strong with you as well.

    Take care and stay well.

  8. These special dogs remain in our hearts always as their spirit continues to guide us in their absence.

  9. Those two were such a beautiful pair! I am glad that you can still feel R with you. ♥

  10. R was such a wonderful boy. Love the photos of you and R, Shyla♥

  11. KB thank you for sharing your Labra-duo. I love the paw touch...and the song. Amazing how things
    like the song just happen.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. knowing them both (even through the web) is like being touched by Heaven. thank you. xo

  13. Love that Black Dog. Wherever he is, he's undoubtedly still spreading love. What a guy!

    Chris from Boise

  14. Black Dog R is never very far from you - he is firmly planted in your heart:) Love EmmyLou - her lyrics are often so meaningful.

  15. Hello Friend! I have missed your posts and have loved catching up on your posts that I've missed. I'm glad that you got to enjoy some time in the dessert, and are feeling recharged, and I love that you've seen Tiny!

    Continued positive vibes coming to all of you, I think you're the best!

  16. I think every time Shyla howls R is right with her. We are going to check out the song.


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