Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, November 16, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

For all the tumult in our lives, Hachi has done remarkably well. On our first day in the desert, it was balmy and warm so Hachi and I played together close to K's Rock. I could see that he was a bit tense but he seemed to loosen up with time.

A winter storm front arrived a few hours later. The temperature plummeted by about 50°F, and it snowed really hard. K's Rock looked totally different by the next morning.

The cliffs along my riding route also looked spectacular with snow on the ground.

By that evening, the snow on the slickrock area near our campsite had melted so the pups could play.

Hachi played beautifully with Shyla throughout the trip. He was goofy and happy when they ran around together. However, I wish that I didn't have to report that he lost his cool toward Shyla a few times in our campsite for no obvious reason. Each time, he got in Shyla's face barking aggressively. Shyla reacted to his aggression with total shutdowns. She simply stood rooted in place and did not respond in any way. Shyla has a long history of responding to stress in this way, and it's probably good for defusing aggression from another dog. Within minutes afterwards, she seemed absolutely fine and was willing to play with Hachi when we let them off leash together.

The aggression was upsetting to say the least. However, we both think that Hachi was trigger-stacked by how many parts of his life are unpredictable. The vacation was great for us humans but probably tough on Hachi who was already confused by our move. We've been super careful about keeping them separated inside the house since then. They still play wonderfully outdoors so that's good. Shyla is not afraid of him.

Hachi is a complicated dog. Humans failed his mother and him early in his life by letting his mom be a stray on the streets while pregnant and then raising pups. It's difficult to help him heal from that damage. However, despite the recent setbacks, I think that he's come a million miles since we first met him.

We love our Hachi. We are as devoted to him as he is to us. We will help him through this phase.


  1. it's so great that you are there to heal the scares of his past. and even when we can not erase some things from their memory and their mind, we carry on to give the the best every day ..

  2. Those are wonderful photos, but I'm sorry you've still been having a few 'hiccups' with dear Hachi along the way. How patient you are in managing his difficulties and helping him be the best dog he can be.

  3. Hari OM
    Such a handsome boy - such love going his way... YAM xx

  4. He's such a handsome boy. We hope that given lots of time, he will be the perfect gentleman.

  5. It all has to be pretty confusing to Hachi and I am sure he will figure it all out again.

  6. What a beautiful place to get away to. Sorry to hear Hachi had a little set back but we know you are doing the best you can for him. He and Shyla sure look happy to play together.

  7. I too think he's come a very long way. I've followed his progress from day one. Bless you for loving him and helping him cope with all this issues. You rock.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. I pray and believe that Hachi will get better and better once you and your new home and he gets a place that he can know is his place and not be moved from place to place. With his background I am sure that it is very unsettling every time you change where he is staying. They look so sweet and beautiful play in together

  9. What a beautiful place for camping you had several seasons and views in a few days.
    I'm sorry about Hachi's meltdown...how lucky is he to has sister Shyla who seems to 'get him'!
    Hugs to you, Runner and the pups

  10. Beautiful photos! Time, patience and love will heal sweet Hachi - we're sending purrs, pawsitives and POTP his way. Stay strong.

  11. Wow, that is a big temperature drop. For many years (until I saw it for myself) I struggled with the concept of snow falling in a desert. It just didn't sound right!

  12. It may also be the small space they are forced into when you are camping. Mom had three cats who had been together for years. She had to move from a three bedroom apartment to a one bedroom for two months while waiting for the house to be finished. After a week, the cats started fighting regularly. The space was just too small for them. Once they moved to the new house, never another fight. Who knows, but it could be a part of the problem. Outside running and playing, there is space galore.

  13. I'm sure it has all been quite confusing to the dogs, and I'm sure they sense the stress you've been under too. I have no doubt that you'll continue to help Hachi heal from his early experiences. He's such a handsome dog and deserves the love you shower him with.

  14. We have no doubt you will help him and get him back on track. Life is a bit out of whack this year in so many ways, so it doesn't surprise us at all to see that he is having a harder time dealing with change. You are just so good for him.

  15. Hachi is very lucky to have so much love in his life, despite that terrible start.

  16. Make that a hundred and one miles. :) You are so in tune to him.

  17. How wonderful you can work so hard with him. He's landed in a soft place.

  18. Sometimes, in bed, River will lunge after Pocket. She can be stopped easily, because they are so small, and can't hurt one another. After she lunges she sits, and Pocket comes up, and they sniff each other and like down next to one another.

  19. He's so handsome especially in those desert landscapes. We all have 'moments' and I'm sure he'll rebound.

  20. I'm sorry you had that setback with Hachi, but I'm sure it is just related to all that's been going on, as you said. Hopefully once you get settled into your new place, all that can be in the past. ♥


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