Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

A Glimpse of the Visitors to a Secluded Spot in the Forest over Six Months

For years, I've had a trail cam at a mountain lion spot near our old place. It seems to fluctuate in its popularity with the cats. It used to get occasional visitors, and I often thought that I should move the camera. Then, in the past six months, it started getting visitors very regularly. Many were during daytime!

Most of the visitors are mountain lions but a few other species show up too. A red fox seemed to spend some time in the area this fall but then moved on. 

Enjoy this glimpse of the animals who visit an isolated spot in the forest over the course of 6 months! If you have trouble watching it in this post, here is the link to it.


  1. it is amazing to watch your videos ... wonder why we still have a tv when we can watch the real life with you ;O)

  2. So many beautiful animals to see.

  3. They are so magnificent! Their faces just melt my heart and I loved the way they're so fluid when they walk. That baby stomach is adorable

  4. That was fun! That fox is very pretty and I'll bet nobody messes with that skunk!

  5. Time spent watching your footage of mountain lions and other wildlife always feels like time well spent.
    Thanks! Gail.

  6. Just love seeing the big kitties. They are gorgeous.

  7. You live in heaven, you really do.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. I feel like I'm watching the secret lives of the big cats. It's just fabulous. Thank you.

  9. I say ditto to Inger!!! Wow
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Just love watching the lion goings-on in your area! They are so majestic!

  11. Another very enjoyable and interesting video!!! That fox is very cute:) And we always love seeing the big cats.

  12. How wonderful to see the lions catching a scent and raising there muzzles! Not to mention the amount of peemail!!

  13. We always love seeing all the animals at your trail cams.

  14. I love the big cats, but the little skunk and the kitten stole my heart. I love these videos!


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