Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 14, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi has had a good week! Despite switching houses, he seems pretty happy and mellow.


When we can, we drive to the new place to let him and Shyla blow off some steam. It's a long drive but worth it. With enough exercise, Hachi is far less anxious.

Playing off-leash with Shyla is the best kind of exercise that he can get. And Shyla loves it too.

They would run like the wind all day long if they could.

When Hachi is happy, so are the rest of us. Aside from our desert trip, he's had nothing but good weeks in quite a while. We are smiling.


  1. what a great start into a new week... we hope the good news will stay with your cute boy :O)

  2. Both dogs look so happy playing together!

  3. That's such great news! May the calm (and fun) continue.

  4. so very happy to hear how well he is doing. I thought you had moved back to the new home...

    1. We need work done on the new house to make it suit us better. It was built as a vacation home and the needs of someone living there full-time all year around are different from what it has now. So, we'll be living in it sometimes and not at other times until it is finished. I cannot wait for that day!

  5. Great news! Take care and stay well.

  6. Running around in that beautiful mountain environment would be reason enough for happiness.

  7. Are you still between homes? I think the new place is Hachi's Haven.

  8. Awww, so precious and you know how I love your actions shots.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  9. Such a great time, we love seeing both of them so happy!

  10. Oh my dogs what sheer JOY wow!!!
    These are great photos
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. That's great news. Those two sure look like they are enjoying themselves romping together.

  12. Every good day is a day in the right direction. Hopefully the bad days will stay in the rear view mirror. They both look super happy.

  13. Go Hachi!! So wonderful to hear, and see, how well he is doing!

  14. How great that Hachi is being a happy dog more often than not. I love to see him run and play with Shyla.

  15. WooooHoooo! This is FABulous news Hachi! nows, do some extra zoomies for me, k?
    Ruby ♥


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