Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 13, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Just about a year ago, we had a big snow storm. After the snow stopped flying, I took our Black Dog out to play with me. The snow was over his head in places. He looked cute peeking over the top.

His vision had seemed to go precipitously downhill in the months prior to the snowstorm, and I had the impression that R couldn't see anything. Yet, he trusted me to lead him around the forest, and even walk a short distance away from him in this deep snow. I'd chat with him about everything - the weather, what was for dinner, whether I had treats, and whether he was getting too cold. On that day, it was me who got too cold first.

He loved sticking his whole head under the snow while taking loud snorting sniffs. Then, he'd come for air and sneeze from too much snow in his snooter. He didn't only do that in snow but he also did it in summer dirt when he smelled rodents underground. He'd dig for them so intensely that he'd scrape the top of his nose until it bled. He loved hunting for rodents.


What a fun dog he was. I am smiling as I think about his ability to have fun no matter what. He would have loved the snow that's falling now. In my head, I'll be talking to him about the fresh snow when I ride through it tomorrow morning. He's never far away.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. such beautiful stories about your black dog.
    i am talking to my boy in my head too.

  2. Hari OM
    Awwww, I remember this. Black and white - classic! YAM xx

  3. Happy Crazy Love

    xo Astro & Mitzie
    ps we miss r too.

  4. I am missing your black dog and also missing my black dog.

  5. Black dog has touched my heart and there is room for him there. With Sandra's black dog and all the others I have lost.

  6. Thank you so much for continuing these Black Dog Sundays. I am sure that lots of readers who have lost dogs feel better reading these posts just like I do. I hope that it makes you feel better each time you write one (besides missing him more of course).

  7. There are just so many wonderful memories of you that will live on forever, R♥

  8. Such lovely images, in words and photos, of Black Dog enjoying the snow.

  9. Xena also loves digging for rodents, and I swear she zones out everything else as she digs and smells and watches so intently. Yes, your Black Dog is still with you.

  10. The last photo is fantastic! Every memory you share is so special, and I love seeing the photos and reading the stories of R.

    Take care, stay well!

  11. Your Beautiful Black DoG R taught us all about living in the moment without regrets.
    Hugs Cecilia

  12. Black Dog will always be with you. Thanks for sharing your memory!

  13. Such sweet memories of R. We love deep fluffy snow too and hope we get some around here soon.

  14. No doubt he'll hear you from the Bridge and may even show a sign that he heard you. Great images.

  15. Ah,how we love and miss dear R. He had all that fun because of the tremendous trust and love he had in and for you.

  16. You boy is part of your heart and soul. There is no doubt whatsoever that he's nearby and I am sure he would have totally loved the new fallen snow.

  17. I hope these are all good memories that make you smile.

  18. Oh Angel R, I knews you had some terrier in you somewhere! BOL! If I had snow here, I would do the same thingie! {{{hugs}}}
    Ruby ♥


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