Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Back at the old homestead, Shyla and I are having fun playing in the area that we know so well.


From this sunrise perch, Shyla has warned me of moose approaching in the past. She watches the world carefully, seemingly knowing that she is the lookout.


After that one day in the sunrise light after arriving here, the world suddenly changed. It became bitter cold but also pretty. Shyla was happy to snuggle into the frosty grass in a favorite meadow.

No matter what, Shyla and I will keep on having fun on our morning outings. She and I are always happy while we're out exploring nature together.

Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. Wonderful photos! I enjoy your blog very much!

  2. Beautiful photos and beautiful Shyla. I love nature too, but nature that is a bit warmer than what you get there!

  3. You have a very important job, Shyla. Beautiful photos!

  4. I am loving that frost photo... so beautiful, but then she is beautiful no matter where she is

  5. Top Shelf Photos For Sure - Would Love To See That Last Shot Printed On Canvas - Enjoy Your Weekend


  6. Shyla has the most beautiful and expressive face!

  7. Such sweet pictures of Shyla. I love the look in her eyes as she is laying her head on the rock.

  8. All the photos are lovely, but I think I like the last one best. What a girl!

  9. Oh the love in Shyla's eyes for you is so obvious as I know your eyes reflect the same for her
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Shyle sure has the sweetest face - we love how she uses her eyes. And the one in the frosty grass is a favorite of ours.

  11. Love the frosty photo. Wish it would get cold and snow here. We don't like the warmer weather with the ugly brown everywhere.


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