Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 11, 2020

Feline and Nature Friday - Mountain Lions, Coyotes, Dog, and Deer

Near Lab Valley, the land has an abundance of gulches and creeks. On one of my first rides in the area, I headed down one of a smallish gulch almost to a big creek that sits in a valley. At the confluence of the gulch and the creek, I saw clumped up pine needles under a big Ponderosa Pine tree. 

Whenever I see disturbed pine needles, I check out the forest floor. The disturbance was often created by a mountain lion creating a scrape. Sure enough, that's what it looked like. I dropped a waypoint in my GPS app labeled "SCRAPE!!!" - the caps indicated my excitement.

I went back the next day with a trail cam. The results over the coming month were fun! Check out the video! Be sure to notice where the dog rolled and then how closely a lion checked out that exact spot.


  1. that is amazing to see this mighty paws of the lions...

  2. the lion sure has HIGH BEAM lights when he faces the cam.. love the coyote and the silly rolling dog...

  3. We always love seeing what your trail cams find. It will be fun learning all the new places to observe the wildlife around your new home.

  4. What a great video with so many different animals to see. Yes, that would be Molly rolling in the stinky☺

  5. So beautiful. Thank you for sharing all the wonders in your piece of heaven.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. ♥

  6. The dog was definitely leaving his attitude! Thanks for sharing this video- fascinating. Have a super duper weekend!

  7. KB we need to rename your blog Romping and Rolling in the Rocky Zoo
    Hugs and Happy Friday

  8. They are all so interested in the smells, and that dog, what total joy to roll there, I wonder where his family was? The whole family of deer strolled through, then the lion, very close. What a great place for your camera.

  9. Love watching the mountain lion walk right up to the trail cam. So cool!

  10. You must be having so much fun exploring your new area!!

  11. Wow, those cats sure got close to the trail cam! The entire video was entertaining - I wonder if the dog's owner had any idea what the dog was rolling around in. :)

    Take care, stay well!

  12. What a fun video...I always love seeing the Mountain Lions...but I really enjoyed seeing the pup's joy in finding those new smells, and then later on, seeing the lion sniffing where the dog had rolled...

    Nature is so very awesome!!


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