Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 8, 2020

Carnivores strutting along a forest path

I've been having such fun trying to figure out the wildlife routes close to Lab Valley. Occasionally, as I ride my mountain bike, I get a strong feeling that I'm in a spot that is rich with wildlife. 

That feeling hit me as I rode near the top of a gulch. I stopped, stashed my bike, and started looking around. I found several trees that bears mark, and I saw aspen trees with bear claw marks that went almost all the way up their trunks. Then, I saw bobcat scrapes and possible mountain lion scrapes. I knew that I had to move a cam there.

On that day, I did not notice that there was a spring at the top of the gulch that had deer, elk, and moose tracks pocking its shores. It turns out that the area is a wildlife bonanza.

Here is video of the first 10 weeks that I had a trail cam there. Notice the skinny mountain lion - she concerns me. Don't miss the absolutely gigantically fat bear who went by in late September. Bobcats are the dominant species on this path, and notice that one seemed to chase another in early December. Perhaps it was a territorial conflict?



  1. that's amazing... think I would never need a tv with watching the wildlife...

  2. Wow - that was one very plump bear! Such beautiful wildlife.

  3. Wow! Our largest trailcam critters are the bears and deer. The bobcats are amazing.

  4. You picked a great spot for your camera. I can't wait to see more of the wildlife in Lab Valley. And isn't it amazing that they are all there, in the forest, watching maybe, while you are out riding your mountain bike. What a wonderful life you are living. Thanks for sharing this part of it.

  5. Incredible! The bobcats obviously like this area. The bear was huge as was the moose. I have to assume the mountain lion is ill to be so thin.

    Take care, stay well!

  6. Very interesting! Yes, that mountain lion is way too skinny.

  7. What a wonderful wildlife procession. But we think the fat bear should share his food with the skinny mountain lion!

  8. It looks like you found a perfect spot for that cam. That bear sure looks ready for his long winter nap.

  9. Your instincts that told you that was the perfect place for a cam we're absolutely perfect! That is one fat bear and he or she will not have to worry about making it through hibernation. I love that ugly elk or maybe that's a moose. I get them confused. That is an awful lot of traffic from Bobcats. Yay for the best place ever for that came to be

  10. Looks like you chose the pawfect location to catch the comings and goings of the forest.

  11. You're a whiz at knowing where you can capture all these beautiful animals. Thanks for sharing them with us.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  12. Fat bear, very thin lion, and almost at the end did the second to last bobcat have a hind leg that was limping? That one was certainly on a run, and what a variety of animals, a great place for your trailcam.

  13. I say ditto to exactly what Sandee wrote!!
    Amazing and hugs all around


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