Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 7, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Hachi's week has been good. It seems that Lab Valley is his happy place.

And his sister is his best friend.

It's been a sun-drenched week when our afternoon walks have been bright and fun. Hachi cannot get enough playing.

Playing brings a lightness to Hachi's personality. I never see his body language so loose and happy as when he is playing with his sister.


We see a similar lightness when we play with him daily. Play seems like the most important factor in helping Hachi be happy.

I love weeks like this one with Hachi. Happiness reigns.


  1. even the suns smiles about this two happy pups ;O)

  2. You do look SuperHappy at play with Shyla, Hachi!

  3. I love to see him levitating.. he is a pro at that. all these photos shout happiness

  4. It's great to hear Hachi is so happy. He sure is flying high in that first picture.

  5. That's wonderful! Take care and stay well.

  6. Happy play sure does look wonderful for them both!

  7. Yay! Shyla looks pretty light and happy too!

  8. It's lovely to see both of them so happy.

  9. Awww, great actions shots as always.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. Nothing better than happy pups with no signs of aggression. They both look happy.

  11. Today's Hachi report makes us have big smiles too:)

  12. You have found the perfect spot for Hachi Happiness.

  13. Oh, this postie brings a HUGE smile to my face too!!! zoomies are the bestest with a furiend!
    Ruby ♥


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