Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 6, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog never missed a chance to have fun. He loved romping in the snow more than anything. Each time that I called him to me, he sprinted as if running to me was a new and amazing adventure. He must have run over this saddle a million times in his life - but he ran with the same verve in the last year of his life as in the first year.

He was such a hopeful and happy dog. I miss my "conversations with R" - because his irrepressible attitude would put a wide smile on my face. He is looking at me quizzically in the next photo, perhaps wondering what was next or what kind of treat I was about to give him.

I miss him, and I still talk to him in my head as I ride my bike. I've been stopping by the Lone Ponderosa almost daily to think about him and remember all of his antics. He is one of those spirits that will stay with me forever.

Happy Black Dog Sunday. Please find a way to smile today in memory of our Black Dog.


  1. I am smiling now to see the two of them looking into the camera always makes me smile and are running over the snow makes me smile also. And again another smile because I talked to both like you talked to our he is like a person and he looks me in the face and he cocks his head and he listens carefully to what I'm saying and the majority of the time I know that he's understanding

  2. You had the most wonderful outlook on life, R. We will always and forever love you♥

  3. Yes, R will always, always be with you.

  4. Once you have loved a dog, you are never alone.

  5. R, you were the truest inspiration of all time, and KB, keep talking to him, his spirit is always with you wherever you are.

  6. KB I smile every Sunday when I read Black Dog Sunday....and keep smiling while I look at his photos.
    Thank you for sharing your precious Black Dog with us
    Memories are precious and I'm so thankful you can now think of him with mostly happy memories...he would want you to enjoy Labrador Valley for him.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Who wouldn't be smiling, just looking at those heart-warming photos.

  8. I'm smiling too, looking at the second photo especially.

    Take care, stay well!

  9. Your posts about R always make us smile. Like you, I think about and talk to Angel Ciara a lot too:)

  10. I'm smiling and blinking back the tears for my own "black dog" at the same time.

  11. Hi friend! Ojo here! Black Dog Sunday indeed! As a fellow Black Dog, I will run and zoom and play in the snow in honour of R. I am sure his spirit still runs alongside you!

  12. We can't help but smile when we see such joyful pictures of R.

  13. I am glad you have enough stories and memories to keep Black Dog Sunday going.

  14. Oh R, I smile too just thinkin' abouts your my furiend.....
    Ruby ♥


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