Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 5, 2020

Shyla Saturday

Shyla and I have started getting out into the world early enough to (almost) see the sun rise. This ritual is part of how I stay happy through the short days of winter. 

Our new place is in a valley (hence the name "Labrador Valley"), and it really is cold here early in the morning. It is below zero many mornings. But, all that is needed to warm up is to pedal up the hill out of the valley. Not only do I generate heat but we also get up into the warmer air!

Up higher, the sun hits the world much earlier so that's where we do a photo session. Here's my girl. She is keeping her eye on things down in the valley.

She's a fabulous model, staying still until I release her. I love when she opens her eyes wide. When I release her, she loves to find a stick for gnawing.


It's fun exploring our new land, searching for the best places and light to photograph Shyla. There are still a zillion places to explore, and we're gong to have fun doing it.

During our morning outings, I am often overcome by gratitude that this sweet and sensitive dog loves exploring the outdoors as much as I do.

Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. We can't wait to see more and more pictures as you explore your new surroundings.

  2. Shyla sure looks happy with her stick. It will be fun to see more of your new home every day.

  3. Such a beautiful Shyla! Your valley really is a special place.

  4. I love it that Shyla takes her PAY in sticks... I agree with The Padre, Best Shadow Dog ever... so glad you found your lab valley new home.

  5. It's wonderful to have a good companion to explore new surroundings with. And what a good model she is and her colors melt in both with fall colors and those yellow flowers of your summer. A lovely girl, for sure.

  6. Your fur is just beautiful in the warm sun, Shyla. Enjoy your stick!

  7. Shyla is your soul mate and Heart Sister!! AND gorgeous!!
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. Love that photo of Shyla with the stick :)

  9. That first photo of Shyla is beautiful - she has such a sweet face. Enjoy that cold, I'll stick to my warm cup of morning tea:)

  10. She really is a beautiful model for you. Enjoy exploring your beautiful new world.

  11. Shyla is such a pretty girl (I know I've said that many a time before but it is so true.) In the first photo she looks so relaxed but so alert.


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