Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, December 4, 2020

Huge variety of wildlife visit a small spring in the second half of summer and fall

You might remember that I showed you a video of all of the animals who visited a small spring for the first half of the spring-summer season. It was dominated by bears who took baths in the spring a lot.

The second half of the summer and fall were different. A lot of birds visited the spring to drink or bathe, including hawks, grouse, and a tiny owl. Intermixed among the birds were a young bear, moose, bobcats, and mountain lions. 

I am not good at bird identification. My best guesses are that the hawks are Cooper's Hawks and the owl is a Flammulated Owl. I'd love to have some input from any of you who know more about bird identification than I do.

I hope that you enjoy the video!


  1. that is great... and what a timing... we just talked about owls and birds of prey and now I can watch them via your video ;O)

  2. Funny, it never occurred to me that an owl might need a bath.
    But the moose carefully lowering himself down into water is my favourite moment today.
    Thanks once again for the wonderful wildlife footage.

  3. What fun to see so many different animals drinking or bathing. The moose made us laugh☺

  4. Oh my word I just absolutely love this and I think it may be my most favorite you've ever shown. For some reason watching all the different birds taking baths in the water made my eyes tear up. And that moose maybe laugh out loud trying to set his giant self in that tiny puddle the Bobcat is just beautiful and all the birds are just absolutely amazing and I had no idea that owls took baths. But mountain lion at the end of stunning but it made me feel sad because it looks like the water hole had turned to a mud hole. Five stars on this video

  5. What a great video! I love seeing all the different types of birds and other animals that visit that spring. Like the others my favorite moment was seeing that huge moose taking a bath in that little spring.

  6. Awesome video! It's amazing how large moose are. Watching the birds was fun as they splash in the water. And of course, I love all the cats!

  7. I'm not good at identification of birds either unless they are our local birds. I do enjoy watching them play in water though. We have a fountain that our local birds love to bathe in.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. This was a huge de3ight from start to end, the wee owl, the HUGE moose carefully lowering himself down, and all the birds, and the snowfalls, it changed the scenery totally. Loved it all.Ditto, totally awesome.

  9. The moose cracked me up! You really get a value of his size compared to the other animals. WOW!

    I do believe those were Cooper hawks. Couldn't tell you any other ones. Great video!

  10. WOW!!!! Look at all the birds taking bird baths, the bear have a dip.

    I have never seen an owl anywhere but in a tree. I guess he has to bath too
    Hugs cecilia

  11. That's quite the popular spring! I think you nailed the Cooper's Hawk identification, as for the other birds, no clue.

  12. Such a fun video! We're always amazed at the critters you capture on your trail cam.

  13. I believe all the animals at that spring, except the moose, would be around here if we just had some water. It's now December and no rain in our mountains. I have a water leak at an outside faucet and lots of birds and some coyotes come by to drink.

  14. Oh, I loved the video, it was very entertaining.

  15. We love all your videos, but this one was extra special. That moose was so funny, but he still managed rather gracefully (for a moose) to get his body down in that water. We love watching the birds. Our canary takes a bath every day, but he isn't doing so well these days. It is so hard to find a vet that cares for birds. I have calls in to three in our area and they are not very responsive.

  16. That puddle gets more action than the sauna at the Y

  17. I agree with everyone else, this is a very special video. Thoroughly enjoyed it, from start to finish. Thanks for sharing!

  18. What a wonderful video, KB! And what a busy pond! This has been a fun puzzle to work on; I have my ideas on the hawk IDs, but have sent the video to a couple of naturalists who should be able to positively ID them. Will report back. I spent a lot of today with bird books and watching the videos - it's not easy to tell one accipiter from another!

    Chris from Boise

  19. wow, amazing collection of animals a the water hole! Thanks for sharing.


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