Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, December 3, 2020

Thankful Thursday - For Play

Of all the new things here at Labrador Valley, I am most grateful for the freedom to let Shyla and Hachi play together outside. We humans get such joy out of watching them play.

Playing and rough-housing has made Hachi so much more content. He will snooze quietly during downtime in the house rather than being hyped. And I think that Shyla has been wishing for the chance to do this for years. When she first joined our pack, she tried to get R to play with her like this but he didn't want to. She seems overjoyed that Hachi will play with her.

They make the fiercest faces when they play but it's all in fun.

After some funny faces and wrestling, they go back to chasing each other.

And we humans smile and smile. We feel so fortunate that our pups love to play together, and that we now have the space to let them play every day.


  1. this faces your hachi makes when he plays and is in full action... so wonderful to see this two...

  2. Hari OM
    nothing beats zoomies in the snow, am I right?! YAM xx

  3. Playing in the snow with your buddy is so much fun!

  4. It's so wonderful to see those two sweeties having such fun. Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. The energy in these photos and sheer joy is wonderful!

    Take care, stay well.

  6. Watching dogs do Zoomies together it's always fun and makes us feel better and laugh out loud and these two really have it down right!

  7. As always your actions shots are amazing. As is your pups.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  8. They look so happy playing together that I smiled and smiled too :)

  9. Mom loves to watch us chase and wrestle as well. She says she could do it all day every day. Glad your two are enjoying it as well.

  10. Hachi has some wonderful expressions on his face when he plays. It's a joy to just see the pictures of them and you guys must have a wonderful time being around them when they play like this.

  11. Your new property is a dream come true! Nothing better than watching dogs play together.

  12. Awesome playing!!! The pups here would go insane with play in that snow!!!

  13. Such fun photos...it appears little boys of all species need to get rid of pent up energy.
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. I miss watching dogs play together! Those two look so happy! ♥

  15. Play is an important part of our pups lives, too. It's so good to hear Hachi and Shyla are enjoying their new home so much.

  16. Awwww! I just loves this! And sooooo jealous of the snow! sigh. Do some zoomies for me, k?
    Ruby ♥

  17. It must be so heartwarming to see them playing and romping together!

  18. You sure did make a great decision to make this move. You've got 2 happy pups.


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