Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Life at a bear marking tree while the bears are in their dens

In the fall, I set up a trail camera at a bear-marking tree in preparation for spring. I didn't expect to see bears because they don't mark much in the fall and then they go to their dens. However, other animals walked past it, giving us another glimpse into the activity in the forest when we humans are not watching.

As you watch the video, you'll see a smallish pine tree in the background with a branch leaned against it. That's my low-tech way of knowing if bears have been marking it. They cannot mark it without knocking down the branch.

This is another site that I thought would be impacted by the nearby fire. Fire-fighting equipment and personnel passed the cam but the animals did not leave. They must have known that it would be okay while all the rest of us were worrying.

It's a short video - and be sure to watch to the end. There's a fun snippet to see.


  1. love the two funny guys... the color is amazing!!!

  2. What kind of animal was that between the trees in the first frame? All you see are the eyes and a shadow of what appears to be a big head. Thanks for sharing!

    1. It's actually a weird camera artifact of the bright eyes of the bobcat in the foreground. I've had that happen a few times lately - I'm not sure why. Thanks for watching!

  3. Incredible footage as always. It's amazing to think so many animals are out there and we just don't see them.

  4. love the moose the most! those birds are so cute and agree with easy about the colors on this cam . it amazes me to see the turkeys, don't they know they are on a trail that might involve a big predator?

  5. OMDs KB you live in a Zoo and this is 100% a compliment of the highest kind. Dr. Doolittle would feel perfectly at home
    Hugs Cecilia

  6. The Blue Birds, they are beautiful, I don't know their correct name??? and bobcats so busy, it amazes me that so many different animals walk along there, the moose talking and turkeys gobbling, another wonderful trailcam collection.

  7. Those blue birds are soooo colorful and entertaining. What a busy tail that so many critters use.

  8. What a fun video! Thank you for the smiles☺

  9. So many precious babies. Love the turkeys and the ending was a surprise indeed.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  10. What a popular trail!! Adorable Steller Jays...we have them here also, and boy they can be noisy LOL

  11. Such a nice bunch and the birds were a good ending!

  12. What a great location for your camera. We can't wait to see more of the visitors in the coming months.

  13. Bird brains - those turkeys are Humongous!!! Nice to see all the traffic passing by, and those two blue birds were delightful.

  14. I have a soft spot for turkeys, even with bird brains! :)

  15. The stick on the tree is a good idea. You could be an animal detective.

  16. It's a bit like a busy animal highway in the forest.


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