Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 21, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Despite getting only a couple of chances to zoom and play this week, Hachi had a good one. He still has a couple of triggers that are specific to our old home area that date back to his puppyhood - and he lets us know about them. We've learned to anticipate them and to manage his behavior.

Whenever they had the chance to run and play, he and Shyla made the most of it. As you know, they adore our new land.

I love seeing them carry a stick together. It speaks to the bond that they have. Hachi has had no repeats of his bad behavior toward Shyla since we got home from our desert trip.

They get pretty rowdy while they play. This was one of Hachi's silly moments.

I love weeks when I cannot think of any "Hachi news". That is so different from early in his life when I felt worried and upset about his behavior a lot of the time. He's continuing to adapt to life with us and seems fairly happy. He'll be even happier when we can be at Labrador Valley!


  1. that is such a wonderful photo... they become a super team now... and they stick together... literally ;O)

  2. That is just such a great picture of Hachi and Shyla carrying the big stick together.

  3. We love that you two are sharing the stick carrying, Hachi and Shyla!

  4. The photo of the two carrying the stick together is priceless. I can sense them trotting along together in unison.
    Take care, stay well!

  5. so glad to hear a good report and hope you will be back home soon in your beutiful new valley

  6. I love your actions shots with the pups. My favorite one is the both of them with the tree limb. Teamwork.

    Have a fabulous day and week. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  7. I hope you can make that final move soon, and they will be so happy every day. Looks like quite a lot of snow, and they are having such fun together , maybe this was what Hachi needed for some time, and when he is in your Valley all the time, life should be smooth sailing. The tall trees look so pretty with snow on the tips of the branches.

  8. BOL BOL BOL I love the duo carrying the limb photo.
    Just too sweet and funny
    Hugs cecilia

  9. Yay for Hachi and for you and your hard work with him. I know the results are worth it!

  10. We sure do love seeing a happy Hachi and his big Sis playing together!

  11. Love that sharing of the log pic! Adorable.

  12. Gorgeous photos - love seeing the doggies having fun together.

  13. No news is good news, right? Nice to see them playing and enjoying their time together so much.

  14. Slowly, he is changing and you are learning to trust him more. It is a long road, but it is well worth traveling.

  15. It's great to hear so much good news about Hachi. That picture of the two of them carrying that stick is wonderful.


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