Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Black Dog Sunday

Our Black Dog is always watching. This photo is a favorite of mine. Early one morning, I took the two of them out in the snow. They were full of antics that morning, loving the snow and being together. With just a tiny bit of encouragement from me, they peeked at me from behind this pine tree. I felt like they were each looking out for each other while they looked at me.


This photo was from that same morning. It was R who taught Shyla to howl and sing for the camera. He was more vocal than most dogs right from puppyhood. He made a variety of grumbly, happy, howling, yipping, and impossible to classify sounds. One of his favorites was to start howling as soon as I pointed the camera at him. What a funny dog!

Snow always made him happy and playful.

Happy Black Dog Sunday. I am channeling my inner Black Dog to keep winter fun!


  1. Hari OM
    Oh, that last shot is pawfect fur Chrismouse!!! Huggies, the YAMster xx (who has arrived back in her Hutch and now needs to cocoon for a bit...)

  2. I am smiling with tears in my eyes, the first photo melts my heart and the second made me smile. love those howling pups

  3. The last photo is so much fun! I can see the gentleness in his eye.

    Take care, stay well.

  4. I'm smiling through my sadness, looking at R here every Sunday. They bring us so much joy in such a short span of time. Then we smile because of the memories they left us with.

  5. These memories make us smile. R sure was a happy boy.

  6. We just love the photo of you howling next to Shyla, R. We can imagine you singing Christmas carols. That last photo is just priceless. Such wonderful memories♥

  7. BLK Dog Covered In Fresh Pow Pow - Dogs, So Damn Heart Melting - Thanx For Being You - Go Team Human


  8. OMGOSH. how I LOVE this post!!! thank you! XOXO

  9. Love the one of them peeking from behind the tree!! Very cool!

  10. These are all great photos, full of memories. I love the first one with them stacked, peeking from behind the tree. How could you plan that!?

  11. Oh, how we love that snow shot - it sure makes us smile:)

  12. Dear KB - as the Solstice is only hours away, I naturally thought of you. Here comes the sun, my friend. I hope it shines warmly on you and yours. Quinn


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