Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Shyla Saturday

One day recently at our old place, we awakened to great conditions for a beautiful sunrise. Shyla and I hustled out the door so that we would not miss it.


Shyla and I have not done a silhouette photo in a long time but she had not forgotten about it. I parked my fat bike at the base of the best silhouette boulder, and she scampered up. She caught a scent in the breeze and lifted her nose high to sample it. 

Shyla has the most amazing nose and ability to pinpoint the source of a scent of any dog I've known. Last week, she found a dead elk from a long distance away. It had been killed by a mountain lion, and it had little useful meat left on it. When I caught up with Shyla, she was gnawing on an elk bone. I guess that it pays to have a good nose if you're a dog.

After Shyla had finished sampling the air scent at sunrise, she decided that barking and howling would be fun. I love when she does this!

Happy Shyla Saturday. I am so lucky to have this dog as my photographic partner.


  1. I love The Howl in the last photo.... perfect pose

  2. She's quite the model. The sunset is pretty spectacular too.

  3. She is your perfect photographer companion and model. And I'm wondering how she scampered up onto that small outpost.

    1. I wonder myself. She does it very cautiously. It's a series of boulders, each just a little bit higher than the previous one. She never hesitates but is careful about it. I got the idea for these silhouette photos when I saw a coyote on top of this boulder outcropping many years ago.

  4. What a fabulous batch of sunrise pics! You are most lucky to live in such a beautiful place with a smart and talented model as a partner.

  5. Shyla's nose is a thing of great beauty and great utility!

  6. Beautiful photos but that last one is just stunning!

  7. What amazing photos...the golds....OMDs. WTG Shyla I'm kinda envious. Kisses sweet girl
    Hugs Cecilia

  8. We love seeing Shyla silhouette pictures. She always looks so happy posing for you.

  9. That sky!!!!! Alone is something else, but with Shyla against it...breathtaking!

  10. Awe is the best word I can come up to describe this.

  11. You (and Shyla) make the most of every situation. It's a gift.


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