Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Life within an elk herd during the rut

This fall, our area had a very early big snowfall in September. The elk had to come down from the high mountains, their summer home, earlier than usual.

That meant that our area had many elk in the area during the rut. Bugles, the loud sounds made by bull elk during the rut, rang out throughout the area. 

A pair of local ponds saw a flurry of elk activity. Both are on private land but the owners have generously let me have trail cams there.

I was thrilled to find that the cams captured "life within the elk herd" during the rut. When you watch the video, be sure to have your sound on so that you can hear the bugles.


  1. Incredible! I've never seen an elk close up and they're amazing creatures.

  2. Hari OM
    What a delight to watch! YAM xx

  3. They are most beautiful. What a wonderful video. You do live in a slice of heaven.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  4. They are so beautiful and so graceful.

  5. at 47 seconds i love the face of the one in the left corner.and that buck is so gorgeous. the females look like they are wearing depends on the butts. I am amazed at the numbers there are of them

  6. WOW....that was some video...I agree beautiful and graceful
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Left to right they run, then right to left, and the one with that magnificent set of antlers, I was hoping he might bugle right there. What a huge herd, and amazing to see this, thanks to you and your generous neighbour, we see the Elk Herd in all its beauty.

  8. Watching them in their natural habitat is so fascinating (with much gratitude to your neighbors for allowing you to place your trail cams up on their property). Thank you for sharing videos of these majestic creatures.

  9. This is fascinating. It's amazing (but I guess not surprising) that they spend so much of their time on high alert. Lovely footage.

    Chris from Boise

  10. Those cameras really take some nice shots of the elk up close! Fun to see.

  11. The elk sure do enjoy that water. We would have expected their sound to be much deeper. The video was very enjoyable - thanks for sharing.

  12. What a fun video. We love hearing them bugle too.

  13. They are fascinating animals. Thank you for sharing them with us.

  14. Loved this close-up view of the elk, what beautiful creatures they are.


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