Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Monday, December 28, 2020

The Hachi Chronicle

Just a bit more than 2 years ago, we adopted Hachi. He, his mother, and his littermates were rescued from city streets in Texas.

I didn't see this photo the same way 2 years ago as I do now. His eyes look old - as if he'd already seen and experienced too much in the weeks that he'd been on this Earth.


He was scared of lots of things, including venturing out of the house to take a walk. In this photo, he had decided that it was way too scary to leave the porch.

He loosened up as the days rolled by. He even learned to "stay" within the first month.

In retrospect, it was surprising how well he seemed to fit into our pack in his first 6 months. He seemed to love R more than anyone.

As many of you know, we hit a dark phase when Hachi was about 6 months old. We had to change everything - including getting him behavioral vet treatment and separating him from the other dogs. He was behaving aggressively toward R and very fearfully when out in the world.

If we fast forward through those dark days, I can now say that Hachi is so much happier and more relaxed. Just two days ago, he started having happy dreams. He wags his tail joyfully during them. We didn't realize that he never had happy dreams (all of our other dogs have had happy dreams) until we heard his tail thumping while he was sleeping. It has happened twice now, and I think that it's a super sign!

We think that Hachi is happier than he's ever been in his life. One part is this paradise that is our new home. Another part is his sister - who he gets to play with daily when we're at our new place. 

Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi. You've taught us so much as we've traveled this journey with you. The journey is still a long and winding road but we will help you get happier and happier. Here's to many more tail-wagging dreams!


  1. Happy Gtocha Day sweet boy... you were blessed to be rescued by your parents, without them I fear you would be a much different dog.. so glad you are a happy Hachi now

  2. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi! We couldn't be any happier for you that you have the most wonderful life now!

  3. I'm not crying your crying.
    Happy tears of joy and love.
    A tail wag and a smooch from all
    of us here.
    Keep dreaming sweet boy!
    Happy Gotcha Day.

  4. Hari OM
    Dear Hachi,
    I remember this baby photo
    and I remember those eyes
    and I recall commenting on the mischief I saw lurking there
    and I have watched you grow
    and I have seen you flourish
    and I know the Love of the capital kind that you receive
    and I wish you and your pack all the very very very best
    for many more happy dreams
    and gotcha days!!!
    Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  5. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi! We're so glad you have become the happy pup you deserve to be and hope you just keep getting happier.

  6. Happy Gotcha Day dear Hachi! We're so glad that your happy heart is appearing more these days.

  7. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi! You were a cute pup, and you've grown into a handsome dog. It's wonderful to hear that the happiness is showing in his dreams too.

  8. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi. To many more food dreams.

  9. Awwww, I remember you coming to your forever home. You've come a very long way.

    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day Dear Hachi,♪♫
    ♫♪Happy Gotcha Day to you!♪♫

    Have a woof woof day and week. My best to your wonderful mom. ♥

  10. Serious, sad, fearful, and look at you now Hachi, a doggie who is so loved, has a wonderful home and safe places to play, and with Shyla, fun galore. Your Mum has worked a miracle, and with R you had that bond of total reassurance that will be with you always.XXX for your day.

  11. I do see the emotional pain in those eyes in the first picture, and the second pic about made me cry for him. He has finally realized that his life is good and he's safe, and it's reflected in his dreams. Yay!!!

  12. Happy Gotcha Day, dear Hachi. You definitely won the doggo lottery ending up where you are. Here's to a new year full of happy dreams and tail wags.

  13. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi! What a journey, and what a lovely spot you've reached. So proud of you all!

    Chris from Boise

  14. that dear little face that had endured so much so soon. such sad eyes. wary even of kindness.
    now we get to see him literally BLOOM! like a flower that just needed care and LOVE.
    bless you darling Hachi. and bless your whole family both here and gone. we love each of you. xoxo

  15. Awww Hachi happy happy gotcha day...it was the first day of the best days of the rest of your life
    Hugs Cecilia

  16. Happy Gotcha Day sweet boy...We have enjoyed watching you grow, and see how, when in a loving family, a pup who may be fearful can grow into a pup who has happy dreams!!

  17. Holy bully sticks! Two years already, time sure flies. We are so happy for him because he is so happy as every pup should be. Keep up the good work out there in paradise.

  18. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi! WE love the puppy photo of you sitting between R and Shyla. Wew]'re sad you'e been through such difficult times in your short life, and hope the coming years will be filled with nothing but love.

  19. Happy Gotcha Day Hachi ! And many mnore !

  20. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi!!! We remember when you shared early photos of him with us. He has come so far, and it only happened because he is a part of your family.

  21. Happy Gotcha Day! You have done a marvelous job with Hachi.

  22. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY GOTCHA DAY HACHI!!! OMD, I just looooves baby pics! I thinks your Moms is right, your eyes do look sad...butts you're still adorables! I am so happy that you are livin' your bestest life nows...you sure do deserve it my furiend!
    Ruby ♥

  23. Happy Gotcha Day, Hachi! We wish it had been an easier road for you, but I'm so happy he has now come along so much.
    I think Luke was about a year old when his fears really ratcheted up. It seems odd that it wouldn't happen until later when they seemed so well adjusted up to that point? I guess we may not know why, but I'm just glad we can find ways to keep them as happy as possible. ♥


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