Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 29, 2021

A Plethora of Wildlife in a Gulch near Lab Valley

There's a gulch near Lab Valley where a surprising number of animals like to spend time. I thought that the cold and snow would make it an unpopular spot in winter. So far, I was wrong about that. However, it has hardly been a snowy winter to date.

I first became interested in it when I noticed bear marking trees. Of course, the bears are asleep now so no bears have ambled through there in months. Instead, cats are prevalent - both mountain lions and bobcats. And, big bull elk with painfully heavy antlers love the gulch. Deer love it too.

As I've discovered the variety of animals there, I've put up a few cams, mainly because different species like slightly different parts of the gulch. The footage today is from three cams all within about 30 yards of each other.

Check out this video if you have time. I always love spots that attract all sorts of wildlife, and this is one of them.


  1. how careful they walk... we should adopt this walking style when it is icy outside...

  2. What a great video. That sure is a huge rack on the elk!

  3. KB clapping wildly while giving you a standing ovation for these wonderful cams that you share with us.
    The Bull Elk is enormous...what an up close and purrsonal view of all. I don't think I've ever seen such ginormous antlers. That howling wind gave me the shivers
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. I look at the bull elk with those ginormous antlers, and can't help wondering if they are not a hindrance, liable to catch on tree branches in the forest?
    Thanks for another great video,

  5. That bull elk is definitely something amazing, and the deer with his sprouting antlers is cute. But my fave, was the bobcat - when he/she sat I could have sworn it was a house cat.

    Take care, stay well!

  6. the deer are constantly watching, like they know those cats are out there. the elk are stunning to me. holding up those antlers makes them strong. the bobcat just plunked his butt in the snow. so cute.. mountain lions appear to flow not walk

  7. The bull elk is so majestic and his antlers are just incredible!

  8. I'm not going to lie, the amount of cats you have in your area kinda freaks me out! Only because they are such stealthy hunters. Loved the elk, the mule deer look in good shape, and pregnant. It will be interesting to see how many bears you have in the area come spring. Stay safe!

    1. I do look over my shoulder a lot when in these hot spots. I suspect that all the glimpses of lions were of the same cat. She looks like a female, and I'm starting to wonder if perhaps she has small kittens - which would keep her in a small area for a while.

  9. From small to tall, those huge antlers, then the bobcat sitting quietly, magnificent, every one. I could watch this again and again and never tire of seeing your wildlife there.

  10. Just beautiful. You have so much entertainment to enjoy.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  11. That really is quite the variety show!

  12. That seems to be a popular trail for a number of wildlife critters.


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