Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Thankful Thursday

It's been a quiet and wintery week, and I'm grateful for the peacefulness of Lab Valley. On the morning before snow moved in, Shyla and I enjoyed the view of the Continental Divide while we played.


Then, a small snowstorm moved into the area. We've had so little snow this season that I was enamored with seeing Lab Valley in white! This is the Lone Ponderosa where we buried the ashes of our departed pups. It is such a special part of Lab Valley. I find this towering tree to be inspiring.

In National Forest near Lab Valley, there are serene places to ride my fat bike. No other humans had been out but a bobcat and a coyote pair had wandered this forest road before me. Further down the road, I ran into moose tracks in the fresh snow.

Living in a peaceful and beautiful place means so much to me.


  1. it does...and we love the sugar coated trees... it is as if mother nature takes a photo too, when she bans all things with freezing for a while...

  2. We love just seeing the photos of your peaceful and beautiful home. The Lone Ponderosa looks stunning in the snow.

  3. Your world is just gorgeous and we love that towering tree.

  4. The beauty sure makes us smile too! Thanks for joining our Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  5. Living in a peaceful and beautiful place is a desire of many. Sadly not all of us get to do just that. I'm glad you do.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. seeing your world through your eyes and lens, is like stepping back in time, through a time warp before our world was paved with concrete

  7. Sandra said it so well. To know there are places where few people go still available in our world is amazing and we get to share it with you through your photos and your words. Thank you.

  8. We are way under normal for snow totals here too and are glad to have some back the past few days. It might be cold but it is pretty too.

  9. That forest road speaks to me. Lucky for you that you get to experience it before the humans get there. Lovely pics!

  10. One tree, standing sentinel over the ashes, and then the road with an old style fence, this could be from many years ago when all was safe and peaceful, and that is how your Lab Valley will be for you all.

  11. What a beeYOUtiful place to enjoy nature and your wonderful pups!

  12. Any photo with your pups is gorgeous KB!! The last photo WOW!!
    Hugs cecilia

  13. Yes, it's like a dream world (if you can ignore the cold, which you seem to be able to dress to do). we are glad you are all enjoying your new home and land.

  14. It's just a beautiful landscape in a magical place.

  15. There is something especially peaceful about a fresh snow! ♥

  16. As much as I prefer the warmer weather, it is just so beautiful there.

  17. Oh, that looks like a postcard! You guys are indeed lucky puppers (and peeps 😉)
    Ruby ♥

  18. It looks perfect there. You deserve to be somewhere you love.

  19. We too live in the middle of nowhere and I love the serenity that nature brings! Thanks for sharing Lab Valley with us! Have a marvellously Happy Day!

  20. That Ponderosa sure is a special one, with memories like that attached to it.
    Really love your last photo, makes me feel peaceful :)

  21. The snow looks so nice and so does your area there. We have had such a roller coaster winter with too warm, then super cold, ice, then snow, then ice. It's tough for us winter lovers.


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