Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 22, 2021

All sorts of Carnivores love a Mountain Lion Scrape

Mountain lions mark in spots that can look nondescript and boring. More often than not, these spots are under pine trees where a thick carpet of pine needles lie. Shyla is the best at finding these spots based on scent. Then, when I follow her and take a look, I see the small piles of pine needles and "scraped" spots under the trees. Without Shyla, I'd walk past most of them!

Indeed, today I show a spot that I literally passed on my bike for years before I noticed the scrapes under the Ponderosa Pine trees. When it finally caught my eye, I felt embarrassed that I hadn't noticed the obvious scrapes for so long!

After a lion anoints a spot by scent marking there, other carnivores visit too. In today's fun video, you'll see a whole series of carnivores who seem to check this spot whenever they are passing by. Then, you'll see the big cat come into the area. He was all over the area for about 48 hours prior to my visit to check the cam (I have multiple cams in the area). I got really nervous when I saw him on the videos even during daytime, and I kept looking over my shoulder while I quickly changed out memory cards. Fortunately, he didn't seem to be nearby while I was there. Or, perhaps he's really good at hiding!


  1. it's amazing to see that the pups do such a thing too... and they also check their posts for answers ;O)

  2. Hari OM
    Loved the fox cameo at the end! As ever, I am in awe of all that you manage to capture on these wee traps! YAM xx

  3. You have the best window into their amazing world!

  4. There were quite a few visitors to that little corner of your world. We can't wait to see who shows up next.

  5. Oh my goodness the traffic that spots gets. So beautiful. The world is an amazing place.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  6. I laughed at the fox at the end leaving his mark... as if to say, you might be bigger but I'm here too. Not sure that's such a good idea. ;)

    Take care, stay well!

  7. Another wonderful video!! So much wildlife, I am always wary of putting a trail cam up because I'm not sure if I want to know if any bigger wildlife hang out on the other side of or fence ;-)

  8. There is sure a lot of activity at that spot!

  9. I too thought the fox at the end was being quite brave. Or foolhardy!

  10. Another great glimpse into your backyard. Glad to know that it's not just our obtuseness that we haven't spotted any lion scrapes yet. A new nosework project for the pups - if we could find a vial of lion scent gland scent...

    Chris from Boise

  11. Excellent video footage. Here I worry about the possibility of opossums and raccoons in the back yard...
    They are tame in comparison
    Happy Weekend Cecilia

  12. There must be a lot of good gossip at that pee station:)

  13. You are very brave to retrieve the card so we can see the beauty of nature.

  14. What a great forest intersection! Thanks for sharing such amazing wildlife videos.


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