Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Shyla Saturday

Life is discombobulated with all the moving to and fro. But, Shyla always makes me smile. She will chase sticks for as long as I can throw them, and her enthusiasm makes me grin.

I grin even more because I know that it was a long journey to reach a point where she can leave her worries behind and play joyfully. I remember when her previous owner told me that Shyla was "useless" at retrieving. With years of building her confidence, she loves retrieving more than almost anything.

Happy Shyla Saturday!


  1. Hari OM
    Oh the expression on Shyla's face here is so very precious!!! YAM xx

  2. What a happy girl you are, Shyla! I love retrieving too but it's tennis balls instead of sticks.

  3. We totally love seeing such a happy Shyla!

  4. it makes me so mad when someone makes a comment about a dog, cat or human being useless. in this case we know she was very much wrong. like you when I look at photos of Beau i feel joy and also looking at your photos feel thesameway

  5. If he/she could only see her now. Happy Shyla!

  6. You have done so well by her, she's lucky to have found you. It's just a delight to see her so happy and having fun. <3

  7. isn't it interesting what sheer LOVE can do? xo

  8. Shyla's previous owner is 'useless'. How dare she speak such words w/o even trying.
    Hugs to Shyla my little sunbeam.

  9. It's all that good love that you give. Happy Shyla Saturday!

  10. What a great shot of Shyla. You can really see the joy in her face.

  11. Shyla is coming along so great, she's full of joy, and all that running and chasing. Makes me smile.

  12. We love hearing how happy Shyla is. Timber is very good at retrieving a ball. He just needs to drop it a little more gently so it stays at my feet and not bounce across the room. Misty will chase the ball - just to see where it went, then she trots back to me without the ball:) Lightning - nope, he is not into retrieving at all.

  13. You truly looks joyful in that pick gurl! You are better at retrieving than I....I don't evers give up the ball (or stick 😉).....and Make Ma chase me! BOL!!! (she needs to gets some junk outta her trunk, so I'm just helping! 🤣)
    Ruby ♥

  14. Little Rusty (my brother's dog) loves me to throw his 'teddy' around for him. I tire out a long time before he does! :)

  15. It's a hard not to love watching stick dogs chasing their favorite obsession.


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