Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 24, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

Today, all that I can say is that we miss this guy. What I miss the most and will stay with me forever was the pure hopeful happiness in his eye. When we did little outings together, like this one during a snow storm last winter, his eye would fill with joy.

I visualize the look in his eye every day, and the vision reminds me to make the most of the day.

Happy Black Dog Sunday.


  1. He was such a handsome dog. I love the photo, he looks so happy in the snow.

  2. He sure was such a sweet boy and had the best attitude about life.

  3. You were such a sweetie, R. You will be missed forever just as our Mitch is♥

  4. Sweet R was such an inspiration to all of us.

  5. lovely that you have sweet memories.

  6. R left a very special legacy. ♥ Today a photo popped up on my Facebook of our two girls, Cricket and Sheba, playing with Luke. We all still miss them so much; those girls were such happy dogs. ♥

  7. What a lovely memory, and such a great gift from Mr R.

  8. Such a handsome joyful dog. Love those scenes of him in the snow where that joy was particularly apparent.

  9. Your Black Dog...lives forever in your mind's eye. That look says happy and hope!
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Yes, I second Pocket's comment...we all wants to be R when we grow up...
    Ruby ♥

  11. What an inspiration he is -- and why am I tearing up again....


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