Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Sunday, January 10, 2021

Black Dog Sunday

 From last winter...

Our Black Dog and I had a fun little outing during a snow storm. He was so happy just to be out having a little play time with me. 

On that day, like many others, he showed me that he never wept over what he couldn't do. Rather, he embraced what fun things he could do. We had such fun that day!

Happy Black Dog Sunday!


  1. You were so wise, R. Love this photo♥

  2. Hari OM
    This is what might be called a self-framer!!! YAM xx

  3. this is now one of my Most Favorite pictures of R.. I love it

  4. R was such an inspiration to everyone.

  5. R sure had a wonderful zest for life. We can tell he enjoyed being out in the snow with you.

  6. What a beautiful pic of R. I could almost touch him...

  7. What a gorgeous photo! R looks as if he's ready to jump out of the photo.

  8. A memory to hold tight, R was full of resilience, And never doubted that he could be out there enjoying every day. Love the setting between the tree trunks.

  9. KB
    This says it all
    "On that day, like many others, he showed me that he never wept over what he couldn't do. Rather, he embraced what fun things he could do." We all need to embrace the fun
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Beloved Beautiful Black Dog. XO

  11. Handsome R. We are so glad you are continuing to honor his memory with Black Dog Sundays.

    Woos - Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Looked like a fun outing in the snow. What a champ!

  13. R, you are my spirit animal!
    Ruby ♥


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