Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Saturday, January 9, 2021

Shyla Silhouette Saturday

A cloudy day with just a sliver of horizon visible is perfect for a brilliant sunrise. As I drank my coffee in the pre-dawn light, I saw the glow from the horizon. I dressed quickly so that Shyla and I would not miss it. We pedaled to a good viewpoint, and Shyla pointed her snout toward the sky. What a glorious sight.


As she howled, for the first time ever, a coyote answered her. They went back and forth a couple of times with Shyla looking shocked by his voice each time.

It was appropriate because I call this boulder "Coyote Rock" after a coyote who I saw on top of it years ago.

What a wonderful morning out in the forest with my muse, Shyla. Happy Shyla Saturday.


  1. Shyla is such a cooperative pup. I bet that was fun watching and listening to her as she chatted with the coyote.

  2. WOW Shyla, you're messages sure were received!

  3. Hari OM
    wooowoooooooooooooooooo wwooo wwwooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!! Hugs and wags, YAM-aunty xxx

  4. A great start with a brilliant sunrise and a wonderful girl bu your side. We all need that after the last horrific days in US, to brighten our souls and show the beauty in the world.

  5. Such beautiful skies. With an equally beautiful model. Happy weekend.

  6. The coyote sure does love your voice, Shyla!

  7. She never expected to get answered! :) Beautiful shots, as always!

  8. I wonder what you two were talking about. And if there are any neighbors close enough to get chills up their spine.

  9. What a magical moment. Could there be a better way to start a day?

  10. That must have been a very special moment for you to hear Shyla howl and see her posing so beautifully. Amazing photo!!!

  11. Hi friend, Ojo here! You look very wild and majestic communicating with the coyote! Tell your person this is a spectacular picture!

  12. Happy Shyla Saturday! Does she howl on her own? Or do you ask her? Just curious. I didn't know labs could/would howl, so I'm intrigued.

  13. Absolutely stunning. I am glad Shyla has opened negotiations with the coyotes.

  14. What beautiful pictures of Shyla. We love seeing her howl. How nice that she got an answer to her call.


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