Wildlife footage: 2016-2018 (in progress)

Friday, January 8, 2021

Feline and Nature Friday: Six months at a mountain lion scrape - males marking and females caterwauling

There's a spot in the forest on the edge of a meadow where mountain lions leave their scent. It was a very active place over the past year. Not only did the male lions "scrape" to mark their territory but a female desperately searched for a mate at this site. She was a vocal lion, trying to call in a male.

Here is video from six months at that mountain lion scrape. Enjoy!


  1. wow that was amazing... and while watching I wish I had such a fab thick fur for winter too...;O)

  2. Oh gosh we do hope the vocal female lion found a mate. Do tell us this story has a happy ending!
    Also, how fascinating to see the twitching of the bobcat's tail - it almost looks as if he's using it to sniff with.
    Thanks for another great Nature Friday video from the Rockies.
    Cheers, Gail.

  3. Oh for sure dear sweet house kitties are so very much like their wild kissin' cousins. Our first cat Milky-Way wasn't very vocal...but Madi made up for it. She let us know when something was not up to her standards
    Hugs Cecilia

  4. Magnificent. I love your wildlife videos. What a voice too.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend. Scritches to the pups. ♥

  5. I hope after all that caterwauling she found her mate. Incredible video as always - you bring a new perspective that I'd never see normally.

    Take care, stay well!

  6. She certainly was noisy and we hope she found herself a mate.

  7. That's an amazing video and the kitties are too!

  8. We always love seeing your wildlife videos. The bobcat was our favorite. We like how his little tail wiggles back and forth.

  9. I would not want to be between the claws and the ground

  10. Such an interesting video, made all that much more that way by the change in the seasons and the mountain lions finding the same spot. I hope that girl found her a boy!

    PS: Read your update on Hachi and treats - Again, we are both on the same road. We've had to do the same thing and are doing the same thing with our black-lab-foster, Jack who has this issue with treats and the other dogs and even the cats being nearby.


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